for mu.wordpress? I used the above and it will reference the homepage, but it won't show the user account. For instance:
It will show everything but the username
How would I write the code to grab the username also?
It won't. It's built to grab the user's blog name.
Maybe I should have reworded that. Is there any code that I can use to point the user to a new post, edit a post, their account profile or to any of their admin settings?
From..... where?
If they are on their own blog, any regular WP function in the theme on their blog will work. Nothing mu-special about it.
If you want them to see that from the main blog, that's different.
yes, you are correct. I want them to see it anywhere, not just on their blog, but other blogs as well. How can I do that?
Why not just use the menu bar plugin? They'll have links to their stuff at the top of any page on the site, but it won;t be within the actual pages themselves.
you didn't really specify where on the page you wanted links. sidebar? In the posts? top?
I plan on putting my own custom logos with links in the upper sidebar for a more customized feel. I am gonna put an icon and text description right below, and both will be links to their backened (write posts, edit posts, etc...) blogs. There has to be some kind of solution?