Posted 14 years ago #
I'm not sure where to find information on this, so please either help or direct me to somewhere I can read up on it.
Basically I don't want the home page to be a blog, it needs to link to lots of other areas of the site, the wordpress blogs is just half of the site. What can I do about this? If I deactivate it, when i then go onto the homepage it says the page is deactivated.
The main page is run from the main blog. so, you make a special page template for the theme that you have running on the main blog. that's it in a nutshell.
you can also use a file called home.php in the theme folder that you've used on your main blog.
I wrote about all sorts of options on
Posted 14 years ago #
What about the rest of my site?
For example I have a section where users register for a profile and upload music. This has nothing to do with wordpress and I don't want it to. Where in my folder structure do I put the login, register, media and profile pages?