My WPMU is eating memory and completely crashes the system. Websites won't work; WHM won't respond; and I get emails from server saying services failed. I tried so switching so many configs, and nothing seems to be working.
I posted a detailed explanation of my situation at
Could somebody help me?
[The only reason, I am giving the above link is because I didn't want to repost everything from there to here]
What plugins & widgets do you have relating to RSS? Almost every single time I've seen this, it's related to rss feeds.
My WordPress Object Cache is not working [default WordPress built-in cache]. Could that be the problem?
I'm not using any page caching plugins. I'm avoiding any cache plugins that caches entire pages. I'm trying to use widget cache, wpdb cache money.
I'm running WPMU
There was a "cache" directory with files. And I deleted it when I was uninstalling WP Super Cache [I had so much trouble with it].
Now the cache directory is empty no matter how many pages I visit on my site. I do have the define('ENABLE_CACHE', TRUE); in wp-config.php and 755 on "cache" directory