I'm back :D
Say I have a page that's about a video game and I want to pull the 5 most recent posts from the blog that have the same tag as the name of the page. For instance, if the page is called World of Warcraft, I want to pull the 5 most recent posts from the blog that have the tag World of Warcraft. Anyone have a clue as to how to accomplish this?
So far, I'm using <?php wp_get_archives('title_li=&type=postbypost&limit=5'); ?> to get the recent posts, but I don't know how to filter out the ones with the same tag as the page's title :(
Maybe there will be something like this:
****this gets the tag of the post I think****
$current_tag = single_tag_title("", false);
****if post tag is the same as current page's title****
if ($current_tag == the_title()) {
Something like that. I don't really know :( I need a way to get a list of posts and only filter out the ones that have a tag that matches the title of the current page :(