After upgrading my MU to 3.0 sitewide tags isn't posting individual blog posts to the main blog. Any idea why?
After upgrading my MU to 3.0 sitewide tags isn't posting individual blog posts to the main blog. Any idea why?
Have there been any blog posts since you upgraded? Did any of the member blogs get switched to private?
Can we get a link? I'm wondering if the links are actually broken.
Yes, andrea_r, there were two new blog posts and it looks as though they finally did get posted to the main blog but many hours later and as a result they aren't part of my feed when I pull it on NetworkedBlogs for some reason.
Also, my custom header was working fine in my MU but now that I've upgraded to 3.0 its mysteriously vanished and when I try to upload a new one it doesn't even render as visible. Any idea what's wrong?
Here's the link, tdjcbe:
Actually, I notice that when I'm logged in I can see the two new posts but in another browser that I'm not logged in with the two posts don't register as being posted. Strange.
they finally did get posted to the main blog but many hours later
Then go fiddle with the time settings in each blog and the time on your server.
I don't even know what that means. Now the posts have disappeared from the main blog mysteriously and I still can't figure out the custom header thing. Methinks this should have been another Release Candidate and not a full upgrade as it seems a lot of people are having a lot of problems with the upgrade.
Okay, I'm an idiot. Don't mind me. It turns out my WP Super Cache settings had to be changed for most of my problems and the main root of the problems is that all of my images in the Media Library are unattached.