I have several blogs (around 6)So i am using wpmu in my home page i want to show recent posts from my other blogs .Is there any solutions for this.
I have several blogs (around 6)So i am using wpmu in my home page i want to show recent posts from my other blogs .Is there any solutions for this.
Assuming your using WPMU,,,I seen a plugin for this looking through this list (http://wpfeed.com/2009/01/wordpress-mu-plugins-where-can-i-find-them/) of plugin providers.
I am not sure which site it was but I looked through all the sites on the list and seen 3 or 4 plugins that will do this for you. I think one or two might have even been for free. Check it out. GOOD LUCK
Sorry,, scratch that last post.
I looked through the list again and only found this one for you (http://premium.wpmudev.org/project/recent-posts),,, but it looks like it will cost you. You might have to join this site for 59$ a month for a month or so.
is what I normally recommend. there are loads of free plguins to pull most recent posts and tons of threads here discussing them.
THANKS Andrea. I bookmarked this one for me to use also.
Can I ask you this? If I look hard enough,, should I be able to find all the plugins I need for my MU install for free. Or will I likely have to join a site like I mentioned above?
Almost everything available is free. WordPress.org's official policy is to have everything freely available. Only 3rd parties charge.
Thanks you again Andrea. Your such a great help. Thanks for doing what you do!!!