I've got several questions related to what I want to do. I successfully got MU installed. I'm a teacher exploring the possibility of having my computer app students complete blog entries and comments this coming school year. Obviously, due to it being a public middle school, privacy is an ever-present concern. Here's what I would like to have:
1) I will be the admin of all blogs (that doesn't seem to be too hard, think I've already got it).
2) Students will be able to author posts on their own blog and comment on other students' blog entries (I think this is set up through the settings as I've played with it. I just assign the student as an author on their own blog but what role will allow students to comment...but not author posts...on others' blogs? Subscriber or Contributor?)
3) Here's where things get tricky. I want to be able to add parents and teachers as users of the blog. But, I want teachers to be able to see and/or comment on all students' work while parents only see and/or comment on their own student's work. What role would that be? Together with this, I would like to put links on the homepage to each students' blog. However, my preference is that logged in users ONLY see the links to the blogs that they have permission to see. Non-logged in users would only see links to public blogs (i.e. mine and, as criteria are met, some students'). I've tentatively tried the Links section. I tried setting the link as private but then even I (when logged in as admin) can't see it...not sure on that.
4) This should be simple but I can't seem to find it. I want all blogs to share the same theme. I've got the home page theme set up with the sidebar, etc. but can't seem to get another blog's theme to mimic it. Related to this, is there an interface within the WPMU admin area for editing the CSS of the themes are does that happen directly through a text editor?
5) Is it possible to include an apostrophe in a blog title? When I set up "Allen M's Blog" the title shows as "Allen M\'s Blog".
I think that's it for now.