I've been running various Wordpress sites on different domains. Let's say:
gamingsite.com, business.com and software.net are my sites. They all are on the same VPS, but they have separate databases (and different database prefix, e.g business_, games_, soft_). They are not subfolders or subdomain installations of a single blog. They are each on a separate Cpanel account.
Now that I've upgraded all of their versions to Wordpress 3.0, which supports multiple site installation called MU, how do I manage all these sites from a single blog admin panel (e.g manage them all from the business.com admin panel)? I was guessing that there would be just a simple screen in the admin panel where I can add additional blog URLs along with admin usernames and passwords, but it seems that it's not as easy. I've read that I have to add some A entries to the domain's DNS and move some files/databases probably.
What is the simplest way?