You used to be able to use :
( )
but this seems to have been removed in 3.0
OK I can understand that a lot of things have changed but removing this is a bit drastic. It will break a LOT of plugins.
Yes, it was removed (in January).
That was deprecated over 3 years ago in MU:
Use $wpdb->base_prefix.
Pardon me, it was 2 years & 8 months.
I'm not using it but I've found two plugins that were using it and if it was depreciated then maybe someone should have updated the codex to reflect that change.
That sounds like volunteering to me ;-)
Your login here should work in the codex. :)
Also, every single WPMU-related codex needs to be updated. Some are irrelevant. I can't do them all by myself. (I didn't put that one in.)
I'm sure they do Andrea - I'll try to help out as and where I can.