I've upgraded to 3 and everything appears OK so far.
I've seen no mention of where the plugins that previously were in "mu-plugins" are now supposed to go.
I've upgraded to 3 and everything appears OK so far.
I've seen no mention of where the plugins that previously were in "mu-plugins" are now supposed to go.
They stay in the mu-plugins subdirectory.
If you are doing a fresh install of WP 3.0 MultiSite there is a very important step to consider. The /wp-content/mu-plugins/ folder will no longer be created by default. Many MultiSite plugins will still need to be installed in this folder though. Simply create the /wp-content/mu-plugins/ folder if it doesn’t exist and follow the regular install instructions.
Most of the upgrade tutorials I believe have covered this point. Sorry if it wasn;t clear.
Thanks for clearing that up. I was using as guides
I don't see any reference to mu-plugins.
there was no reference to them, as they stay where they are.
mu-plugins support has been built in single WP since 2.7.
you'll even see a new tab in the plugins menu that will show you what plguins you have in the "must use" plugins folder.