Posted 18 years ago #
I want to provide a page by default that users can NOT edit.
By default I mean kind of the default 'about' page, so a new blog has this set up.
Users should not be able to edit this page however, or maybe turn of/on features à-la plugin.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
You'd have to create a higher level than Admin and assign ownership to that level for this to work.
That's the only method I could see.
Posted 18 years ago #
A higher level than admin?
But is this currenly possible in wpmu than?
Okay what about just enabling that extra page by default, like the 'about' page?
Which files do I have to snif for that?
Or hardcode the page into every single theme you offer.
Or hardcode the page into every single theme you offer.
That might work. I was thinking something like the home.php page we use on the main blog but I didn't know if that would work for the other themes. They would have to be created for each theme though.
Probably have to recode the pages widget to add in a link as well as the wp_list_pages function. WordPress has a couple of different functions that lists Pages you would also have to edit. I would think though it would be fairly quick since it's just adding in a single link.
I'd try Andrea's idea first. If it didn't work, my idea would probably require a lot of rewriting.
Posted 18 years ago #
I don't care too much about themes at the moment, I'll give it a go diggin later on, cheers