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Changed theme and imported images disappeared (7 posts)

  1. dgwade
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I changed themes and now images imported from blogger disappeared. I reset to default theme but that didn't help. I don't see a republish button (not that that would necessarily help).

    Changing themes wouldn't delete uploaded/imported images, would it? It there a fix for this?

  2. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Are they imported from blooger or are they still on blogger?

    My money is on the pics are still on blogger, it's a browser cache issue and, since you've changed your the layout of your blog, the pics are no longer available in your cache so you're not seeing them.

    Link please so we can see an example of this so we can double check.

    Hope this helps,

  3. dgwade
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Well, I performed the import function a couple of days ago from within wordpressMU against my blogger page. That worked fine and everything showed, including the pictures. I assumed that the pictures were imported as well and did not directly link to their blogger location.

    Today I uploaded themes to my installation of wordpresMU and successfully change theme on the blog but then noticed the little X where the pictures had been. I changed back to default theme and still no pictures displayed. One of the links is

    I did go to a computer that had not been used against my blog (other than the admin account) and the pictures don't display there either, which suggests that cache isn't a factor. The images still display at blogspot (

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    The import does not bring over the blogger images. And I do know thast blogger is really picky about hotlinking the images and displaying them on non-blogger sites.

  5. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I mentioned cache because they were showing previously since they were in your cache at the time. When you changed themes, your page was now newer than what was there previous so your browser reloaded everything.

    You have to upload your pictures to your WPMU account and relink them.

  6. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    hmm..that really blows that images aren't imported.

    I must find a way to fix this.

  7. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    "I assumed that the pictures were imported as well and did not directly link to their blogger location."

    It really can't do that, as the image link would be hardcoded in the entries. Not the images themselves.

    It would be a manual job, involving at the very least getting all the images form one spot and re-uploading them to the new spot. They are physically being transferred from one spot to another, and moving a pile of pics is far more than moving a bunch of entries. THEN you'd have to do a whole search-and-replace on image URLs.

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