After some trial and error I got my blogs from to
Here is how I did it.
I know this will be like "tell me something I don't already know" to some people but maybe some people will find this information useful. This may not be the "right" or "perfect" way but it worked for me.
First of all, I did a fresh install of wp on the new server.
I opened phpmyadmin for my database on the old server. I clicked on export.
I ticked:
Use hexadecimal for binary fields
I selected "save as file" and "zipped." Then I clicked the "Go" button.
After the file downloaded I open the .sql file into EditPlus.
I deleted this stuff:
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 2.7.0-pl2
-- Host: blahblah
-- Generation Time: Sep 06, 2006 at 04:18 PM
-- Server version: blahblah
-- PHP Version: blahblah
-- Database: blablblah
USE blahblah;
Then I used find and replace to:
* replace all occurances of the old url with the new url.
* replace all occurances of the old absolute path with the new absolute path
* remove the subdirectory name. The old installation was in a subdirectory so I had to remove the subdirectory name from the user data. If you are moving from a root install to a new root install this is not necessary. If you are moving from a subdirectory install to another subdirectory install the subdirectory needs to be replaced with the new one. If you are moving from a root install to a subdirectory install the new subdirectory needs to be added which probably needs to be done by hand)
After doing that I opened up phpmyadmin for the new database. I clicked databases, then clicked the database name, then clicked the "SQL" tab at the top of the screen. A text entry area came up. I copied the file from EditPlus and pasted it into the text entry area. I clicked "Go" and waited. After a while a thing came up saying it was successful.
That's it!
Now, if any knowledgable people have read this far; any advice on how to redirect users to the new installation?