Is it possible to upgrade to the latest version of TinyMCE?
That version is cooler and has more bling.
Is it possible to upgrade to the latest version of TinyMCE?
That version is cooler and has more bling.
Does it work? If it does, it's already doing better then the one we have now. :)
Yes, I hate TinyMCE that much. *grumble*
The TinyMCE people will tell you that WP has done too much too the code for them to help. :-/
I did a thread here on how to add more features to it though.
that sounds like a bum rap. Is there anyone willing to try this out on a test wpmu server?
You asking me? :) I did it on my install.
lol..sorry andrea, i meant is there anyone willing to try the new tinyMCE on their wpmu install, not your additional features upgrade of it. (which btw, i couldn't access for some reaoson. The link isn't clickable)
hi, managed to get TinyMCE version 2.0.8 work with the latest wordpress
the post you've done yahelacom is grabbished with google translations, so the urls are falsed...