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Can someone help me test AdSense sharing? (22 posts)

  1. thatposhgirl
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I hacked the AdSense widget to make it randomly display my AdSense code when users install the widget on their sidebar (which is optional for them). At least, I tried to do that. I have no way of knowing if it is working.

    Could someone go to and set up a blog , add the AdSense widget with your information and then tell me where your blog is? I have it set at 50/50 right now so if it works it should be easy to tell.

    Please leave the default ads (160x600) until I can check it. I need to "advertise on this site" link to see the id number.

  2. thatposhgirl
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Well, that didn't work...

    eta. Okay, this is weird. It works in IE but not netscape.

  3. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I hacked out one of the Adsense widgets to give a 80/20 split. I'll post it tomorrow if you want.

  4. thatposhgirl
    Posted 18 years ago #

    That'd be great. I'd really appreciate it.

  5. Frequent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I'd be very interested in that as well drmike.


  6. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    me too dr.mike

  7. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Added to the todo list. I'll see about putting it up on later today. I've hardcoded it to include my codes. Let me see if I can edit it to put those number as edited varables at the front.

  8. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #


    Instructions are in the header of the file. You need to do a search and replace for the codes required by Google Adsense for your account. (Once you see it, you should understand)

    And if you need to sign up for adsense, I do hope you will use the post in the file. ;)

    Hope this helps,

  9. Frequent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thanks drmike! Can't wait to get it running.

    (any thoughts on coding it for a 3 way split?)


  10. BFTUK
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Any chance for some more detailed install instructions?

    It says i need widgets installed but i tried searching for this and there were loads of results, is there a specific widget i need?

  11. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Yes, you need the *entire* Widgets plugin. THEN you need to get the Adsense widget above to be able to use it.

  12. BFTUK
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Link to the entire widgets plug in?

    I searched but it turned up 100's of results, so did'nt know which one to install!

  13. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Please make sure you have a widget-enabled theme, too. The widgets plugin includes the files you need to wdgetize the default & classic themes.

  14. BFTUK
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thanks for your help.

    I'll try and get this installed.

  15. Ovidiu
    Posted 17 years ago #


    hi there,

    I just wanted to download the modded plugin from: but when I read the comments below, saying its not working, broken whatever I thought to contact you first. Is this plugin still working with wpmu 1.1 ?

    And besides that this is the second plugin from wpmu-dev .net that troubles me, I downloaded it right to my linux box with wget, unzipped and had a lok at it. This is how it looks like:

    . . ././. .c.o.m.p.l.e.t.e. .f.o.r.m... .T.h.i.s. .w.i.l.l. .b.e. .e
    .m.b.e.d.d.e.d. .i.n.t.o. .t.h.e. .e.x.i.s.t.i.n.g. .f.o.r.m....
    . . ././. .B.e. .s.u.r.e. .y.o.u. .f.o.r.m.a.t. .y.o.u.r. .o.p.t.i.o
    .n.s. .t.o. .b.e. .v.a.l.i.d. .H.T.M.L. .a.t.t.r.i.b.u.t.e.s..
    . . ././. .b.e.f.o.r.e. .d.i.s.p.l.a.y.i.h.n.g. .t.h.e.m. .o.n. .t.h
    .e. .p.a.g.e....
    . . .f.o.r.e.a.c.h.(.$.o.p.t.i.o.n.s. .a.s. .$.k.e.y. .=.>. .$.v.a.l
    .u.e.).:. .?.>..
    . . . .<.p. .s.t.y.l.e.=.".t.e.x.t.-.a.l.i.g.n.:.l.e.f.t.".>.<
    .l.a.b.e.l. .f.o.r.=.".a.d.s.e.n.s.e.-.<.?.=.$.k.e.y.?.>.".>.<.?.=.$.k.e.y.?.>.:
    . .<.i.n.p.u.t. .s.t.y.l.e.=.".w.i.d.t.h.:. .2.0.0.p.x.;.". .i.d.=.".a.d.s.e.n.s
    .e.-.<.?.=.$.k.e.y.?.>.". .n.a.m.e.=.".a.d.s.e.n.s.e.-.<.?.=.$.k.e.y.?.>.". .t.y
    .p.e.=.".t.e.x.t.". .v.a.l.u.e.=.".<.?.=.h.t.m.l.s.p.e.c.i.a.l.c.h.a.r.s.(.$.v.a
    .l.u.e.,. .E.N.T._.Q.U.O.T.E.S.).?.>.". ./.>.<./.l.a.b.e.l.>.<./.p.>..
    . . .<.?. .e.n.d.f.o.r.e.a.c.h.;..
    . . .e.c.h.o. .'.<.i.n.p.u.t. .t.y.p.e.=.".h.i.d.d.e.n.". .i.d.=.".a
    .d.s.e.n.s.e.-.s.u.b.m.i.t.". .n.a.m.e.=.".a.d.s.e.n.s.e.-.s.u.b.m.i.t.". .v.a.l
    .u.e.=.".1.". ./.>.'.;..

    its terribly broken, I cant remember which one was the other broken download for me, I only remember posting here about it and someone offered me another download link, so if its working can you please email me a copy to ovizii (at) - or maybe someone can figure out what I am doing wrong?

  16. JohnWeb
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I got it to work by opening it in a php editior and saving it again, but now it doesnt save the codes, and changing colors, sizes has no effect whatsover.

  17. JohnWeb
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Upon further review, it shows the standard default ads with my publishing code that is hard coded into the file. But when it comes to the users turn we get:

    <!-- Google AdSense -->

    <script type="text/javascript"><!--
    Title = "";
    google_ad_client = "";
    google_ad_width = "160";
    google_ad_height = "600";
    google_ad_format = "160x600_as";
    google_ad_type = "text_image";
    google_ad_channel = "";
    google_color_border = "336699";
    google_color_bg = "FFFFFF";
    google_color_link = "0000FF";
    google_color_url = "008000";
    google_color_text = "000000";
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <!-- /Google AdSense -->

    So it's obviously not storing the values other than the defaults.

  18. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I'll repost it this weekend.

  19. Ovidiu
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I tried again, by downloading first to windows desktop and unpacking: the result looks more readable but nevertheless funny:

    r e t u r n ;

    / / O p t i o n s a n d d e f a u l t v a l u e s f o r t h i s w i d g e t

    f u n c t i o n w i d g e t _ a d s e n s e _ o p t i o n s ( ) {

    r e t u r n a r r a y (

    ' T i t l e ' = > " " ,

    ' g o o g l e _ a d _ c l i e n t ' = > " " ,

    ' g o o g l e _ a d _ w i d t h ' = > 1 6 0 ,

    ' g o o g l e _ a d _ h e i g h t ' = > 6 0 0 ,

    maybe we should investigate the reason why this happens? anyone able to use the downloaded file?

  20. Haotik
    Posted 17 years ago #

    If you want Ansense Sharing Revenues for WPMU Try this link

    - Simple to install and configure
    - Multiple adsense ads on one page. (Don't worry, will not apear 2 user ads simultanous on page because plugin know to detect that.
    - Cusmoizable ads and more.

  21. gumdrop
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks, but you download link doesn't work.

  22. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #


    Both posts above are spam.

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by thatposhgirl
  • Latest reply from lunabyte