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plugin manager doesnt effect the new user? (10 posts)

  1. animation
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I noticed that the plugin manager only takes effects on the current users,any new user cannot get the global plugin actived setting.

    So do i have to run the globally active plugin whenever new user registers? or can it effects towards all user,not only the current users ?

  2. Conmiweb
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hi I've the same problem, how we can do it for automatic activation of plugins for new users ??(I want to do it with widgets sidebars) thanks!

  3. Ovidiu
    Posted 17 years ago #

    for automatic activation of widgets, you would drop them in mu-plugins instead of plugins/widgets

    the plugin manager does not offer all that functionality that everybody hopes when first reading its description, I too thought it was more powerfull :-)

  4. Conmiweb
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hi Ovidiu, but if I do that, I can't disable it for my "Mother" blog because I want to use the built in "Sidebar Modules for K2" only for this blog, and if I put the sidebar widgets on mu-plugins folder, I cant use SBMK2 onmy blog.

    Do you understand me?Thanks!!!Please help me!

  5. Ovidiu
    Posted 17 years ago #

    ok, now that I know what you're up to, I have to admit I can't help you, except give you some hints what to look for.

    there is a file, I do not remember its name could be upgrade-schema.php or something similar, where you could include the code of a plugin or widget you want to activate at blog registration time, as well as default values for plugins that need them.
    I have not used this method, just read a few posts, I remember reading drmike's name in those posts, he might be able to give you more feedback but try to search first. this is all I can tell you

  6. Conmiweb
    Posted 17 years ago #

    thanks,i'll see it,any idea more?

  7. Conmiweb
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Any idea for activate a plugin via database in upgrade schema, for new users activation? Lots of thanks!

  8. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    What's the sticking point for the plugin that you're trying to get activated? I know I had an issue with the stats plugin we use. (But Andrea didn't. I still think that's strange.) All I did since it wasn't loading teh table was just add in the create table code from the plugin into the create_empty_blog function within wp-includes/wpmu-functions.php. The plugin is already activated since it's in the mu-plugins subdirectory and the tables are created upon blog creation.

    Hope this helps,

  9. Conmiweb
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Yes,i know, but what I need is to activate Sidebar Widgets for ALL blogs, except mine, the admin blog, because i've K2 and I prefer to use "K2 Sidebar Modules". The problem is that if I put the widgets plugin on mu-plugins folder, it replaces the "K2 Sidebar Modules", i don't know that to do. I've 2 ideas:

    -1) set widgets as a plugin, and autoactivate it wen a blog is created. (Hard I think)

    -2) Look at the php code of widgets plugin and do something like:

    if $blog_id=1 {
    nothing;(Still using "K2 Sidebar Modules")
    use widgets;

    I prefer the second, can you help me?

  10. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Haven't tried K2 but I don't think it would matter if both plugins were loaded. The widget plugin doesn't come into being unless the sidebar of the theme calls it.

    Unless the function are named the same thing... I'd change the function name in K2 first before change the widget code in that case.

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by animation
  • Latest reply from drmike