Well, now that my IP address issues have been fixed I need to resend the validation emails. Is there an easy way to do this?
Well, now that my IP address issues have been fixed I need to resend the validation emails. Is there an easy way to do this?
I also needed to do this. In the end I validated the accounts myself.
That's what I did.
Only other thing I could think of would be delete the accounts out of the wp_signups table I believe and let them signup again. I think that's the only table they get entered to before they validate.
Your way is probably best though. :)
I guess someone could build a tool that read the internal wp table and presented the admin with the option to resend validation codes.
Or indeed one that allowed a user to re-request that validation is sent to them.
I don't know how such tools are supposed to interact with the database. Maybe there is an api. Is there documentation anywhere?
Yeah, in the codex.
Ok, good point. http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wpdb_Class does indeed have some detail.
There's nothing specific about the signup table, http://www.google.ca/search?q=wp_signups+codex , except to say that it exists. While the columns appear pretty self-evident I wonder whether there are integrity rules that need to be observed or stored procedures that should be used to access them.
Anyone found a good tutorial on writing extensions such as this? Is the spec of the wp_signups considered an interface and therefore guaranteed to not change?