I added some code to the List-all-themes plugin so that it will only show available themes and won't show the home theme. I hope it is okay if I post this? Keep in mind I know almost nothing about php...
$themes = get_themes();
add this:
$allowed_themes = get_site_option( "allowed_themes" );
if( $allowed_themes == false ) {
$allowed_themes = array();
$blog_allowed_themes = get_option( "allowed_themes" );
if( is_array( $blog_allowed_themes ) )
$allowed_themes = array_merge( $allowed_themes, $blog_allowed_themes );
reset( $themes );
while( list( $key, $val ) = each( $themes ) ) {
if( isset( $allowed_themes[ $key ] ) == false ) {
unset( $themes[ $key ] );
reset( $themes );
$screenshot = $themes[$theme_name]['Screenshot'];
add this:
if ( $stylesheet_dir == "wp-content/themes/home" ) continue;
Okay, that last bit is a total hack but nothing else I tried worked.
here it is in action: http://screenwriters.la/theme-directory/
I also added a bit so it would show thumbnails:
<img width="300px" height="220px" src="<?php echo get_option('siteurl') . '/' . $stylesheet_dir . '/' . $screenshot; ?>" alt="<?php echo $title ?>" />