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flickr (31 posts)

  1. andrewbillits
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Since most people aren't going to allow more than say 15 to 25mb of space per blog, how about a flickr plugin. Basically it would be like a permenant page that would pull from a flickr feed and display a gallery. Just a thought.

  2. Farms
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Editable themes first please :) Affiliation with someone like would be even cooler.

  3. shredder
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Re.: Flickr WPMU plugin

    Was this ever resolved?

    Sorry guys, I'm resurrecting an old thread because I'm having real difficulty finding out much on this topic. (Murphys' Law states that as soon as I post this I'll find exactly what I'm looing for ; )

    Succinctly: I'm looking for a way to embed images into posts. This doesn't necessarily have to be from Flickr but I am looking for off-site hosting for the images (for the reason Andrew mentions).

    Edit: should add that I am currently working with Flickr Photo Album for WP from

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    tantannoodles also has another Flickr pluing for adding images directly to post
    (lemme go see..)
    Ah, I use this one:

    Adds a bar to the write menu so indivudual users can quickly add Flickr Photos to their posts. Easy-peasy.

    Note (because this was confusing to some users): the user needs to config this in the plugin's options panel NOT at Flick. They have a "post to blog" option at their site. won't work, and even on a regular WP blos it has "issues".

    I've been using the plugin menionted above. I may have had to eidt one little bit, I can dig that up if it helps.

  5. samchng
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Yes please let us know once you got it done. andrea you have been doing a good job and helping out a lot in all areas. Thanks.

  6. shredder
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You might be expecting this 'andrea', but I'll say it anyway ;)

    Yes, I too would be very interested in this too :)

  7. ergate
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Falbum also works, with a couple of small modifications. (just address issues)

  8. samchng
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Yes, ergate, seen your Falbum run through on your blog.
    That's still valid right?

  9. ergate
    Posted 18 years ago #

    yes, still valid. I have done the install now with falbum 0.6.4 and the htaccess that comes with wpmu. I have done a slightly modified explanation on this post.

    At somepoint I will update my tutorial to include this .

  10. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Well I suck at documenting my own changes. ;P Can't figure out what I did, BUT I have dowloaded and zipped up the plugin, and plunked it here.

    That's the Tantan Flickr Post Bar plugin slightly modified (I think) to work with MU. Works with the default htaccess, works with ITDamager's htaccess.

    Right click, save as. Unzip and upload to your regular plugin folder. Go to a member blog, test blog, main blog - whatever. Activate it. Follow the plugin's instructions from there. :)

    Let me know how it works out for ya. I've got it running on my site,, with quite a few members using it.

  11. shredder
    Posted 18 years ago #

    andrea: cool! This works out of the box for me.

    Works but not perfect (but its liveable), I get the following error on my 'write' page:

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for http_request() in /usr/local/lib/php/HTTP/Request.php on line 209

    Andrea did you come across this, and perhaps fix it?

    I wouldn't mind fixing it if anyone knows the fix, but at the moment its liveable because I'm still developing.

  12. shredder
    Posted 18 years ago #


    Fixed it!!!

    (if only you knew how much of a
    big deal it is for me to say that! :)

    edit file: lib.phpFlickr.php, line 74

    orig: require_once "HTTP/Request.php";
    new: require_once "PEAR/HTTP/Request.php";

    easy when you know how ;)

    Thanks andrea_r

  13. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Cool beans. :)

    I hadn't got that error actually. Godo to see you fixed it. Anyone else try it and get the same one?

  14. shredder
    Posted 18 years ago #

    From what I was able to find, its a PEAR error and I think it depends upon your server config, libraries, etc., as to whether or not its an issue for you.

  15. samchng
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Neat! Got it working out of the box too. :)

  16. pumpkinslayer
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thanks for that, I was looking at the newer one that puts the little Flickr box into the same frame as the photo uploads, which does look cooler, but andrea_r's one worked so well.

    It all installed without issues.

  17. finaboi
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thanks a million!

  18. bethgranter
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi, just tried this and got the following error:

    "The Flickr API returned error code #3: Parameterless searches have been disabled. Please use instead."

    Not sure where to make the changes?


  19. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    The problem with this is that their flickr bar isn't supported any longer. (The actual plugin.)

    Since then, flickr has changed their api (apparently).

    The new plugin from the original site is now much more extensive.

    However, it isn't MU compatible at this point in time without some additional modifications. (Read as... hacking core files)

    It isn't anything horrible or complicated to fix, I'm playing with it right now.

    It will not (apparently, as I'm testing) be compatible with vhost = no. Meaning that if MU is not installed to use subdomains, it's going to break. This has to do with it using permalinks to the users locally displayed gallery (files still located at flickr, don't worry).

    Out of the box, as long as you're using subdomains, the plugin works with the exception of the post box.

    Right now (I'm still working with it), I've had to make 2 edits to get the post bar working. 1 edit in wp-admin/admin.php, and one to a plugin file.

    So far, that's it. but I've only been playing with it for about 30 minutes.

  20. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    OK, guess I spoke too soon.

    With the upload area (it replaces the default one), the upload tab is ok, so is the 'photos' tab it adds, but the browse tab is afu.

    Still looking at it. :-\

  21. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    you're testing out the Flickr photo album one, right?

    I've got the Flickr post bar working good.

  22. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Yes, that's correct.

    Mainly because their site (as I noticed when reading about the plugin) said they were no longer supporting just the post bar "only" plugin anymore.

    I guessed that with the last post from beth, that there had been an api change or something. So I skipped it. Oh well. Another plugin tested with MU. :D

    Can't say it's what I wanted to do this afternoon, but at the moment I do have it working (so far).

    Found out I didn't need to add anything to admin.php, so that's a plus.

    It still isn't (the gallery portion) going to work on non-subdomain installs though. At least it doesn't look like it. The couple of times I've tried it, it keeps trying to register the permalink directory I configured in the plugin.

    Is the plugin available from your site the one you're still using?

    I'm debating about which one to use, really.
    The gallery option (and not actually hosting the files) seems like a nice implementation, but at the same time I'm not sure I'm in the mood to edit 30 themes at the moment. lol

  23. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    "Is the plugin available from your site the one you're still using?"

    Yep, still seems to be working. At least as long as users input htier names properly. :D I have it in the regualr plugin folder.

    I'm using the Flickr photo album one on my regular blog. LOVE. IT. Didn't have to edit the theme, just the permalinks structure.

  24. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #


    I did grab your plugin. Not a scratch on it. Worked just fine right out of the box.

    Not sure what beth's deal is though. Might be a server issue or something.

    I did notice that on a search (looking for images tagged as whatever), that the form craps out and keeps trying to load if there isn't anything returned.

    It's most likely an issue with the original plugin, but to fix it I just took out the following around line 155 in plugins post-bar-form.html file:

    window.onload = function() { document.mainForm.submit() }

    Which seemed to fix it. I dunno if it breaks anything else, but I'll see.

  25. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I ended up so far not needed to modify any core files for the full gallery plugin, but there were quite a few edits in their file that renders the post box. Couple DB fields, and some other stuff.

    I'm going to have to play with it a bit, and see if the themes break or not. If they do, I'll probably just use the post-bar only plugin for now instead. Then later on, go in and play with the other one more.

  26. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Oops... looks like the caching feature is going to cause issues too (full gallery plugin).

    It caches either with files, or the db. Neither of which (unless modified) will take into account the blog id.

  27. peiqinglong
    Posted 17 years ago #


    Were you ever able to get Flickr Photo Album to work with MU?

  28. propub2
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I found a really, really simple fix to this problem. I spent hours going through these suggestions above and found a two-line change in the class-admin.php file:

    Line 203:

    return '../wp-content/plugins/silaspartners/flickr/'.$src;
    return ''.$src;

    Line 208:

    if (!ereg('^2.1', get_bloginfo('version'))) {
    if (version_compare(get_bloginfo('version'), '2.1', '<')) {

    Thank jmpamu on flickr groups for this one.

  29. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    If you're using the entire plugin, with the gallery, you'll need more modifications than that.

  30. chowanec
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Has anyone successfully modified 9.3.2 (latest release) to work with the cacheing issue? I'm about to teach myself PHP in order to figure it out... I'm getting THAT desperate. :)


About this Topic

  • Started 19 years ago by andrewbillits
  • Latest reply from isatzky