what is this, a neopets board all of a sudden?
I've never seen more meetoos since Teletubies!
Internationalisation isn't something that can be done with a simple plugin folks, sorry.
The easiest way to internationalisan, or at the very least, is translation of your themes. Themes that we all use in the WPMu world that is.
Thats a start.
If you happen to know a second, third or even a fourth language, translation is always welcomed for the core files as well. This would include the comments of course.
If we were using Smarty template engine, I think some of this would be alot easier for the community as a whole. Thats a whole different ball of wax that requires a huge amount of recoding, so lets forget I mentioned it!! (**Ducks from the tomatoes being thrown at him from hard working coders**)
Eventually, I think my own site will need internationalisation. How may languages that will be is hard to say, but I'm quite sure as WPMu grows, so will it's international interest. Once the user community grows, I'm sure we will see people step up to the plate and contribute where they can.
We don't need 300 "me too"'s stuffing up the forums. IF something were available, there are any number of us who would have jumped onto the topic.
I'm sure there's more to this topic, but thats al lI have for the moment. Can't wait to see where multilanguage will go in the future, it will certainly be a major part of some peoples WPMu envirionment.