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problem changing theme (10 posts)

  1. akorelc
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I'm having trouble changing the theme. When I go through the process of selecting any theme I've uploaded, it returns a blank page that thinks it's done, no source code rendered. If I switch back to any of the 'classic' themes, like MU Home Default, for example, everything is visible again.

    Also, the non 'classic' themes had to be deleted before I could bring back the MU Home Default.

    So, something is not right, but I'm not finding where. Any ideas?

  2. nexia
    Posted 18 years ago #

    best thing is to return to the default themes... upload the content of the /themes/ directory back where it belong from the original release... so you will have everything back from the original.

    also, if you have problems loading new themes, it may be simply because you uploaded them in something else than binary... the files are corrupted, or missing something.

  3. akorelc
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Because I've uploaded the files via FTP set to automatically detect file type, they seem to be correct, plus I've already done a clean re-upload. I tend to think something is missing, or there's a line of code somewhere that needs to be fixed, because the page is blank and there's no source code rendered.

    Thanks for your response, though. :)

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    What other themes were you switching to? And you made sure you enabled them thru the Site Admin?

  5. akorelc
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi, andrea:

    Yes, I did make sure they were enabled in Site Admin before selecting one in Presentation.

    The themes I've been trying to test are Blueberry-boat and Tiga. Blueberry-boat just goes blank, Tiga breaks the site.

    Similar results occurred when I tried to activate a couple of plugins, like SpamKarma.

    What's really, really weird is that, back around 8/22 when I installed an older build of WPMU, I was able to activate SK2 (but with a quirky error msg on the test). But, even back then, couldn't get blueberry-boat to work.

    This leads me to believe I need to edit a line of code somewhere in either the wp functions or admin files, just not sure where. Any ideas?

  6. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I'd be more inclined to think it was something wrong with the themes. Was Tiga made with Ohz's theme toolkit for the options page? (without looking, I think it was.. that'll do it.)

    Where'd ya get blueberry boat? I have a copy running on my site, never had a prob with it.

    You shouldn't have to edit any MU files, unless you got a bum copy or hacked away at it too much. ;) I'd say about half the time I try a new theme, something breaks - and it's almost always the theme's fault or an included plugin.

  7. akorelc
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi, andrea:

    Yes, Tiga was made with Ohz. I've given up trying to deal with that one.

    I found the Blueberry boat in the theme pack I'm going to try downloading the theme from the theme viewer to see if that makes any difference.

    I haven't really hacked around my MU install, just edited the wp-config file, checked the htaccess file. I did discover that a more recent build of WPMU didn't like living on my Rackspace server at all, no matter what the Rackspace guys and I tried to do to make it behave. That's why I scrapped that and resorted to reinstalling the older build that mostly worked before.

    Still plugging away...

  8. akorelc
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi, All:

    As andrea_r suggested, the problem seems to be with the theme, not with MU. I just tested this theory by uploading a different theme, cordoba green, and it worked just fine. Not that it's quite the design I want, just did this to test for results.

    Still plugging away, a little happier, LOL...

  9. sprabhu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Dear All,
    i have also installed wordpress, Please tell me is there anything require to change while changing my wordpress theme.


  10. VentureMaker
    Posted 15 years ago #

    sprabhu, you just change your theme to the one you like. Don't forget to activate it.

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by akorelc
  • Latest reply from VentureMaker