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Viper's video quicktags (21 posts)

  1. Farms2
    Posted 17 years ago #

    So... has anyone got the wysiwyg quicktags working for this Youtube / Google plugin:

    And feels in a deeply generous mood :)

    I know there are plenty of alternative approaches:

    But my users are going to want a cute little button and a field to copy and paste into... uber-simple - promise.

    Cheers, James

  2. Trent
    Posted 17 years ago #

    The Anarchy Media Player does exactly the same thing and more. I have it working with my MU site.


  3. Farms2
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thankyou :) I found it yesterday!

  4. quenting
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I have viper video working on . however i didn't use buttonsnap to integrate in the toolbar because it suxxx, I made tinymce plugins. What problem do you have exactly ? As far as i remember it was fairly straightforward to use.

  5. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    quentig would you mind posting your plugins for the viper quicktags?

    I have anarchy on my site but am looking to replace it because it doesn't support the latest build of tinymce

  6. quenting
    Posted 17 years ago #

    thing is, i have myself an older version of tinymce in my mu installation (nightly from march). when i migrate i'll post a heads up.

  7. boetter
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I am also running an old MU installation (around end of may), does anyone know what will happen when I upgrade to 1.0? Will it be hard? Will anything break?

  8. quenting
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I think the owner of edublogs did it on his 30000+ blogs. He posted a message in these forums.

  9. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    boetter -

    1. you'll be upgraded, that's what will happen.
    2. not really, if you've upgraded a large site or MU before. There's just a lot of careful steps.
    3. Probably at least one thing will. It's Murphy's Law. :)

  10. zeug
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I have anarchy on my site but am looking to replace it because it doesn't support the latest build of tinymce

    Hi Suleiman,

    the latest Mu nightly is still using as far as I know. Do you mean the anarchy buttonsnap buttons for flash, google video etc aren't appearing anymore in the latest nightly builds?

  11. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    yeah zeug, in the latest build 2.0.8 which you can upgade to using the wordpress tinymce plugin, doesn't work with button snap :(

    FYI, I reverted to the old version just so I could keep your plugin compatible, but would definitely love seeing it work in 2.0.8 too :)

  12. zeug
    Posted 17 years ago #

    So you've manually replaced with 2.0.8 in mu? Or there's a 2.0.8 plugin that bypasses the default version?

  13. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I've manually replaced 2.0.6 with 2.0.8, following the instructions in this thread:

  14. zeug
    Posted 17 years ago #

    oh ok, that's a reasonably radical hack to your core wordpress files, tiny_mce_gzip.php now does the tinyMCE.init which I guess overrides the tiny_mce_config.php init and all its wordpress hooks like the one for mce_buttons that plugins might use to customize the rich editor.

    I went the buttonsnap route cos I prefer customizing via plugin hooks where possible rather than having to maintain different core files. You could try adding the wordpress hooks back into the gzip tinyMCE.init and see if that helps.

    So does this break any other plugins that hook into tinyMCE or is it just anarchy?

  15. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Well other than anarchy I wasn't really using any other plugins.

    Actually initialy I was using this but then rolled back to the wpmu default mostly because I didn't like not having anarchy support for my users. The blogging crowd I'm catering to is coming from the likes of xenga and myspace, so anything more complicated than typing text and pushing buttons is going to be a disaster I'm afraid.

  16. Farms2
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I was able to upgrade from a late feb build to 1.0 without too many issues (although the process continues... had to stop it at 18k this morning as the white screen of death was descending).

    Anarchy in mu works just fine as far as I can tell... I just need a simple solution and it provides it without having to mess around with Vipers... it also allows flash embedding quite well whioch is good for a lot of my users.

  17. nawingee
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Can anybody come-up with a solution to have the Viper's Video Quick tags controls appears when rich text editor is enabled. I am able to see this plug-ins video button enabled when richtext editor is disabled.

    My client doesn't wants any other alternative solution and wants vipers video quicktag to be functioning when richtext editor enabled.

    I am using wordpress-mu 1.2.1 with viper's video plugin (5.0.0),

    Please suggest some solution.

  18. drmiketemp
    Posted 16 years ago #

    May want to ask the designer of the plugin about doing something like that.

  19. nawingee
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Finally, i made a work around with the plug-in code and able to get vipers video plug-in controls work with wordpress-mu when rich text editor is enabled.

  20. drmiketemp
    Posted 16 years ago #

    You may want to send the developer the code that you added and see if they would like to include it within the next release.

    Always a plus for Open Source to contribute like that.

  21. nawingee
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Sure, i will.

    In vipers video plug-in there is exists a wordpress version check condition. It says like,
    $this->twopointoneplus = version_compare($wp_version, '2.1.0', '>=');
    where $wp_version is global variable and contains the wordpress version(in wordpress-mu this variable has value 'wordpress-mu-1.2.1').

    This returns 1 if version matches and null if not. Plug-in controls appears in rich text editor only if $this->twopointoneplus is true.

    I tried with two modifications.
    1) explode the $wp_version with separator(wordpress-mu-). First array element will have the version number (1.2.1).
    Then pass that variable to the version compare function.
    $ver_str = explode("wordpress-mu-",$wp_version);
    $this->twopointoneplus = version_compare($ver_str[1], '1.2.1', '>=');
    which returns 1 for variable $this->twopointoneplus.

    2)Comment the code,
    $this->twopointoneplus = version_compare($wp_version, '2.1.0', '>=');
    and add
    $this->twopointoneplus = TRUE;
    which makes true in all cases.

    This is what i found.
    Please let me know, what is the need for checking wordpress version?

    This author website is down i guess, so i am not able to post to him.


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