Well, I finally built up the guts to upgrade to the latest nightly build and so far it's gone ok.
So with my new found bravery, I decided to attempt hosting multiple domains with varying success.
I have the blog http://blog.clearskys.net currently working and being hosted by the cafespain.com wpmu system. The front end seems to function ok, and I can post to the blog with Performancing and Qumana with no problems at all.
HOWEVER: and this is the biggie, I can't login to the administration system as either the user or the admin user. All the other sites work ok (but they are all xyz.cafespain.com) so I think it's something to do with the login cookies.
Has anyone already solved this or know the rough location I should be looking to check if it is a cookie problem? Any advice would save me a lot of time hunting around php file.
Many thanks in advance