We're evaluting Wordpress MU at UMICH and need to integrate it with our SSO, CoSign
Looking at the "CASsification" thread and the LDAP Authorization Plugin, they both seem to modify wp-content/mu-plugins/pluggable.php
Is there a way to hook into the login process w/o modifying the wordpress source code?
Like basic auth, cosign assigns the user name to $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']. In it's most basic incarnation, this plugin would need to...
- try to log user in using username = REMOTE_USER
- if an account doesn't exist, offer them the signup screen (but only offer about blog creation / "just an account please"). The other stuff (username, email address) would already be filled out and not changable
This is my first wordpress plugin.. and it's wordpress MU (does that change things a lot?).
Any pointers?