All of the WP+Gallery integration threads I've seen have to do with look-and-feel of the two systems; this is not what I'm interested in. I am looking to integrate users of the two systems.
I am hoping to use WPMU and Gallery2 in conjunction to give users of a new site I'm developing both their own blog and their own gallery with only one registration. There needs to be one universal login form for both systems. One login form would login a user to both systems.
Here are my thoughts so far:
Create a registration and login script that is totally seperate from each system. This script would have two parts—registration and login.
The registration part of the script would need to collect all required information for both systems. Upon submission, it would create a new user in each system. The username and password would be identical in each system. In WPMU, it would create a new blog. In Gallery2, it would create a new user and set up a new album for that user.
The login part would, well, login. It would take simply a username and password. Because the username and password combination would be the same on both systems, it could log the user into both systems.
Has anyone ever tackled a project similar to this? I realize that system integration is tricky at any level, but I think this could work. Anyone have any ideas or want to help?