Hi, I installed the wordpressmu and it's working but when I try to add a new category it just doesn't add it. I don't know if I'm supposeds to do something else or how to fix it. If somebody can help me, please, I appreciated. Thank you.
Hi, I installed the wordpressmu and it's working but when I try to add a new category it just doesn't add it. I don't know if I'm supposeds to do something else or how to fix it. If somebody can help me, please, I appreciated. Thank you.
We'll need WAY more info. Like an error message for starters. And where are you added the category? In the manage categories area or when you're writing a post?
Hi! I'm having the same problem. Whenever I (or any of my users) try to make a category we get a "You don't have permission to do that" error. I can't find a setting anywhere to "disable" categories so why isn't it working? I haven't modified anything except the cosmetics of the default template. Any suggestions?
I dont have the exact problem but when I try to add a catagory thru wp-admin/categories.php nothing happens. When I add the catagory thru wp-admin/post-new.php it shows up.
Yeah, I get the no permission error no matter which way I try...
Ok, some information please.
Turn on error reporting if your able.
What version of wpmu are running.
What exactly is shown on the screen when this happens.
I just know I'm missing something else, but I'm sure you all get where I'm goin ;-)
I got that once. Logged out, and logged back in and it was fine.
I'm running the latest (MU 1.0) but I don't know how to turn on error reporting - tell me what to do and I'll do it! ;-)
When I try to add a category either from the post screen or the manage category page I get a pink box with the words"You don't have permission to do that." in it.
I just tried logging out and back in... didn't work.
Hmmmm... I'm wondering if it's a write permissions error - but I thought that category information is stored in the data base, so it can't be that can it? Where should I even begin to look?
I started havin this exact same error on a wp install (2.1) since I upgraded to it... may also be the side effect of a plugin, who knows... I have no clue what to do - I posted over on the wp forums but no answer yet...
Ovidiu - you're brilliant! Plugman was messing up my system. Once I deactivated it everything was fine. thanks! Sorry that won't help you with WP 2.1 - I'm sure you're not using plugman....
glad you figured it out, still if anyone has an idea how to debug my wp problem except for deactivating all plugins feel free to contribute.
I have the same problem. The AJAX is screwed up so that I can't add new categories or users at the moment.
Same problem here - new WP 2.1 install
Browser: Firefox
Try logging out, clearing your browser file and cookie cache and try again. There's too many different version of AJAX out there and something's probably clashing.
"Same problem here - new WP 2.1 install"
For the record, this is the WPMU forum. WP can be found at http://wordpress.org/support/
But, I on occasion get this as well. Usually when a post has been autosaved, then I go to publish or save it, etc. Also, I get it with cats too.
It "seems" to be a problem with always staying logged in, and after a while something clashes. I don't add cats very often, and with posts I give it a title and then click "save and continue". After that, autosave works fine.
The other Matt made mention about the issue so hopefully a fix will filter down. I didn't see anything quickly on the regular wordpress trac though when I checked.
The solution for me, after trying various suggestions including clearing the cache, resetting browser profiles, etc. was to access the site via the non-www version (ie. example.com instead of http://www.example.com).
I had an htaccess rewrite setting that was redirecting to http://www.example.com - I've now reversed that so everything goes to example.com.
Hey guys, do as asterix told you. Access the site from http://example.com instead of http://www.example.com. It should work fine. Many thanks asterix. :)
I'm not accessing it through www. and I don't have any plugins going and yet this same problem of "you don't have permission to do that" is happening when I try to add categories. Anything else anyone has thought of?
This did the trick, it seems:
The fix at http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3807 corrected the issue for me too. I'm running Wordpress MU v1.3.3. The problem reared its ugly head when I attempted to create categories (I was receiving the "you do not have permission to do that" error).. I hate hacking the code, but you do what you gotta do I suppose. :)