Hi to all!
I installed the WP-Mu in my local computer. The installation proceeded successfully however I do not obtain to enter as ADMIN therefore the password was ordered in the registered in cadastre email.
As the WP is twirling in Localhost, it does not have as to order emails, my question is: how I make to obtain the password of the ADMIN?
First, it doesn;t work well on localhost. It has to be locaclhost.someting. Mine is set up as desktop.local.
Second, if you don't get the email with the password, then you'll either have to get it from the database or reset it in there. It's encoded as MD5.
localhost.localdomain is the site name you're thinking of. localhost is a Microsoft term for windows installs IIRC.
By the way, are you running a mail server on your local box? That may be the issue. Have you checked your mail logs also?
Posted 18 years ago #
I have the same issue, but the easy way to fix this is, enter in to your db, open the db of worpress mu, then in wp_user, then in user_login, the first user to show is the admin, edit the user_pass area, use 1a1dc91c907325c69271ddf0c944bc72 (MD5 encrypted), in normal text this is "pass" (without "")...
now you can change your password from the admin panel...
Great ScRaSh!!!
Very good! I made here and gave certain. Now only it lacks I to register in cadastre the users… however is sent an email for each new user and in this email it contains the confirmation… what I make?
Please see the second half of my post.
not seeing that organization tree. When I look in the db I don't see wp_user. see three wp_users:
If I oculd find it I could just figure out what the pass was by looking it up here: