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Can I Deactivate or Suspend a User? (11 posts)

  1. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Is there a plugin or code to modify the Site Admin-->Users to allow a user to be labeled deactivated or spammer in the same way that Site Admin-->Blogs labels blogs deactivate and spam? Know what I mean.

    Here's my problem. I can suspend a blog for violating terms, but I can only delete a user. I don't want to delete the user, they can simply sign up again. Or login everywhere they are a subscriber/author. Can you help?

    I don't want to play cat and mouse with one of my users. I suspend the blogs(primary,too), but I don't want to delete the user. I'd rather "deactivate" user rather than delete the user so when he tries to re-regiser, he can't. I use limited email domains already.

    I'd like my suspended/deactivated message to include a contact form.

    I do want the option of re-activating a user and returning him to all his blogs in one click in the same way I can "un-suspend" a blog.


  2. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Um, you may want to review the Users page. I believe there is already a method of tagging a user as a spammer.

  3. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Um, drmike, review what I've posted. What do you beleive the Site-->Users has that I don't? Only blogs can be labeled spam. Users can only be deleted. Latest nightly, too.

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Check the ticky box for the user, scroll to bottom, pick "mark as spammer" and click the "apply changes" button.

    Yeah, I just checked.

  5. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #

    My bad.

    Sorry drmike.

    Thanks, andrea_r.

    Aha, so dat's wut "spammer" means.

    I feel awful.


  6. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Wait a tick. "Spammer" doesn't do what I was asking about.

    If any user of any blog is flagged as a spammer, all blogs of which they are users(any role!) are suspended. That's overkill. Say a user is a subscriber of 20 legit blogs. If you tag that user as a spammer, all 20 blogs get suspended. Ouch.

    I wanna deactivate a user and blogs he admins and disable his ability to login, anywhere. All temporarily.

    Any more ideas?

  7. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #

    What happens if I flag a user as spammer that I've added as subscriber to the admin blog?

  8. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Actually I haven't even tried that myself. I do know that they can't relog in as I have a spammer who has been just creating new accounts whenever I mark their old accounts.

    Someone please bump this and I'll try to take a look at it later this afternoon. Kind of full this afternoon. :(

    I do note that when I look at the Users page with Site Admin, there's no mark if a user is marked as a spammer or note. It only marks if a blog of theirs is marked as such.

  9. dspilka
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Has there been any updates on this? See dsader's comment above
    >>If any user of any blog is flagged as a spammer, all blogs of which they are users(any role!) are suspended. That's overkill. Say a user is a subscriber of 20 legit blogs. If you tag that user as a spammer, all 20 blogs get suspended.

  10. dsader
    Posted 17 years ago #


    Today not. I'm running an install from mid March and this is no longer the case. Thanks for the reminder.

  11. dspilka
    Posted 17 years ago #

    This seems to be an issue for our install of MU 1.1.1. Is it as simple as editing the core code to only update the user in the user table as spam and not touch the blog table to avoid marking the blog as spam?

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