I got a new shared hosting account for my WPMU installation. It has LINUX, APACHE, PHP and MySQL. It had these folders in the root before the install:
Nothing is viewable from the browser except the contents of htdocs. http://ezid.biz accesses htdocs/index.htm. Therefore, I uploaded the installation files into htdocs/wpmu. After I ran the installation from http://ezid.biz/wpmu , there were no new folders or files created, as far as I can tell.
The installation e-mailed me the following message:
Subject: Your new WPMU site is ready!
Your new WPMU site has been created at
Login details:
Username: admin
Password: c3f001461956
Login: http://ezid.biz/cgi-php/wp-login.php
However, if you go to http://ezid.biz/cgi-php or http://ezid.biz/cgi-php/wp-login.php , it says that the URL was not found. (cgi-php has one file in it: phpwrapper)
My hoster told me this:
"You will not be able to access the folder through http://ezid.biz/cgi-php/ since they are not in the htdocs folder. You can access these folder through ftp."
Can anybody tell me what I should do from here? I'm stumped.