Hi guys,
mu.wordpress.org comes pretty standard but has a bug or two (won't let me upload pictures/files or comments). All the fixes and plugins are available to the public however and I'm not expecting any custom work. What I need it to do is
1. Add images capability:
- add image as thumbnail
- easy images layout formatting (centered, left, right, text layout relative to image)
- add description, categories to images
- linking thumbnail to original size image
2. Images management
- see images only in separate pages
- sort by category, date, or…
- thumbnail summary pages
3. Search/Sort capability of posts
- see posts by category
- see posts by author
- see posts by date
- see posts based on keyword
4. RSS syndication
- create feeds based on category
5. Insert external RSS feeds
- add feeds from other providers (metrolyrics.com for example)
6. Add advertisers at relevant pages (or all pages)
- google adsense
- valueclick
- tribal fusion
7. Share posts with community
- send post by e-mail
- add post to myspace
8. Posts rating by visitors
- stars system 1 to 5
9. Ability to add polls
10. Enable Advanced Editing Options
If you are interested please e-mail me at milun.tesovic at metroleap.com