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Willing To Hire Somebody To Install A Few Plugins! (5 posts)

  1. MrLister
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi guys, comes pretty standard but has a bug or two (won't let me upload pictures/files or comments). All the fixes and plugins are available to the public however and I'm not expecting any custom work. What I need it to do is

    1. Add images capability:
    - add image as thumbnail
    - easy images layout formatting (centered, left, right, text layout relative to image)
    - add description, categories to images
    - linking thumbnail to original size image

    2. Images management
    - see images only in separate pages
    - sort by category, date, or…
    - thumbnail summary pages

    3. Search/Sort capability of posts
    - see posts by category
    - see posts by author
    - see posts by date
    - see posts based on keyword

    4. RSS syndication
    - create feeds based on category

    5. Insert external RSS feeds
    - add feeds from other providers ( for example)

    6. Add advertisers at relevant pages (or all pages)
    - google adsense
    - valueclick
    - tribal fusion

    7. Share posts with community
    - send post by e-mail
    - add post to myspace

    8. Posts rating by visitors
    - stars system 1 to 5

    9. Ability to add polls

    10. Enable Advanced Editing Options

    If you are interested please e-mail me at milun.tesovic at

  2. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    A quick looksee over your list shows that most of those features already exist within WPMU, WP or plugins already available.

    As to your report about not being able to upload images, I would suggest taking a look at your setup. My money is on incorrect directory permissions of your blogs.dir subdirectory instead of a bug. Maybe if you expanded on the issue instead of passing it off as a WPMU bug, we might be able to help you.

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    This would be easy money for someone who's not monstrously busy. :)

  4. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Yey, but the problem is that *nearly* everyone around here who knows their way around the code are monstrously busy. :p

  5. nexia
    Posted 18 years ago #

    /me lurks around, read the thread and...

    ah forget it, i'm too busy!!

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