Hi there,
WPMU is kinda running good after some tweaking now and after some time looking around i wonder where i (as an admin) or my users are able to give some adresses to ping to!? Was this completely disabled in WPMU? Is there any standard-service which is pinged?
a bit confused,
Frank :-)
WPMU uses pingomatic. If you as a site admin visit Dashboard -> Site Admin -> Blogs -> Edit, you'll see a field that you can edit if you want to.
It's probably hidden from end users as one of those 'settings that users shouldn't have to worry about'
Hope this helps,
hmm so adding a ping service means to add it to every single blog by hand? hmm maybe just a default-db value?
sounds weird :)
thanks, anyway.
You may have missed the 'WPMU uses pingomatic' bit. (ie it's already pinging out)
nono of course i got it. When i wrote "so adding a ping service" i thought about adding an additional one. Pingomatic of course pings some sites but not all, you know :)
Sorry, I thought you were saying 'add in a ping service' meaning that it doesn't do them at all and you have to add them in just to get it to work. Too many newbies on wp.com not reading threads with solutions they post in lately. :)
Take a look at the default settings found within the wp-admin/upgrade-schema.php file and see if that helps. As to the older blogs, we could probably come up with a small script to get it up and running.
Posted 18 years ago #
In upgrade-schema.php, the line for the default ping service is:
add_option('ping_sites', 'http://rpc.pingomatic.com/');
If I want to ping two or more systems, how should I exactly add the others? Inside the same quotes, or I must open news quotes for every new service? Separated by comma, by space, by break line...?