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Posting error (3 posts)

  1. Farms2
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Interesting 1.0 error I manage to get when copying and pasting a large chunk of text from another site into the Rich Text Editor and then clicking on 'Publish':

    Stack overflow at line:500

    Initially turning posting works with rich text, then after a paste it doesn't, then turning off rich text works but if you turn back on rich text it's still stuffed... very odd!

    Try it with yours - I'm copying the body text (the entire article) from here .

    Any thoughts?

  2. nexia
    Posted 18 years ago #

    i see your browser have a problem copy/pasting content, because this entire article is kinda small for me, and it copy well on my installation...

  3. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Might be an issue with TinyMCE is it's occuring only with the Rich Text editor and not both of them.

    Might be a naming issue as well.

    Anyone else getting this?

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