Can WordpressMU operating on my website allow anyone to just start their own personal blog(just like with my site hosting?
Can WordpressMU operating on my website allow anyone to just start their own personal blog(just like with my site hosting?
If you can get it installed and running, yeah. We can't tell what your hosting is like.
*Just* like um... it's not exactly the same but close enough.
Thanks everyone! Are the hosting requirements the same for WordpressMU as Wordpress?
They are slightly more extensive. Did you read the FAQ and About pages? (listed up above there)
HarryStJohn, give it a w00t when you have few hours. Its a really nice system :) however, to answer your question, you can get 10K to 20K users on a box. MU is a wrapper for normal wordpress, they share 95% to 99% of the code. Based on WP v 2.0.1
Actually it's based on 2.1. :)