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disable "create a new blog" (27 posts)

  1. yongra
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi All, I finally got a MU working. I had many problems with Windows 2003 server. So I switched off to Linux and it finally works.

    Does anyone know how to disable "create new blog" on the main page? I would like the creation to be managed by the admin.


  2. Melodiefabrieknl
    Posted 18 years ago #

    simply editing the home.php file (in your theme directory) is the easiest.

  3. muhkayoh
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I'm guessing you'd also want to remove the wp-signup.php page from your server so the spambots can't access it directly. Not sure yet if that would cause any other issues though.

  4. yongra
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I guess there is no setting in the options to disable this. I did not see the setting but I wanted to be sure that I did not missed it some where.


  5. Melodiefabrieknl
    Posted 18 years ago #

    muhkayoh, is right. I forgot about it. good thing to do!

  6. Melodiefabrieknl
    Posted 18 years ago #

    or maybe change the signup page to something else. disable it temporairy, so you can switch it on again when needed :)

  7. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    To actually disable it - no as it kind of defeats the purpose of the software I would think.

    The only thing I can think of is putting a non-existant domain in the 'Restrict email registrations to this domain' field in the Site Admin -> Options page but that still would mean visitors would be able to access the signup page. They would just hit a brick wall when they tried. :)

    Best bet would be to delete the file like has been suggested I would think.

  8. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Here's a compromise. Keeps out new bloggers without restricting current bloggers.

    Try something like the following after get_header in wp-signup.php instead of trashing it altogether.

    if( is_user_logged_in() == false ) {
    die( __('Sorry we are not accepting new bloggers at this time. Use the contact form to request admission. If you have an account, login and try again.') );

  9. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #

    or this will turn all away but the site admin, you.

    if( is_site_admin() == false ) {
    die( __('You do not have permission to access this page.') );

  10. stgoos
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I would love to see a build in 'switch' in the Site Admin tab in future versions of Wordpress MU... meanwhile I just use this:

    if( is_user_logged_in() == false xor is_site_admin() == false ) {
    die( __('Sorry we are not accepting new bloggers at this time. If you already have an account - but no administrator rights - you are unable to create new blogs as well.') );

  11. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I liek stgoos text in there better than the 'You do not have permission to access this page.' It's just nicer for the end user.

  12. sadbuttrue
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I second stgoos; we are looking to use Wordpress MU in education, for groups of K12 students to get into blogging. Obviously don't want users to create their own blogs, need to set them up for them and then close the site.

  13. ZaMoose
    Posted 17 years ago #

    stgoos is actually in the wrong on this one, though. It should be a bitwise AND, not an XOR. You want BOTH conditions to be evaluated as true; in other words, if the user requesting a blog is neither admin NOR a registered user, display the message. If either condition is true (i.e., if the user is either registered or an admin), then allow them to register a blog.

  14. JeremyVisser
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I quickly whipped up this plugin to use on my site (put in /wp-content/mu-plugins/signup-restrictions.php) which does not require modification of core files:

            Plugin Name: Signup Restrictions
            Plugin Author: Jeremy Visser
            Author URI:
            Description: Restricts signups on WordPress MU.
    function sr_check_allowed () {
            if( false == is_user_logged_in() ) {
                    echo '<div id="content" class="widecolumn">';
                    _e('Sorry, we are not accepting new bloggers. If you already have an account, <a href="wp-login.php?redirect_to=wp-signup.php">log in</a> and try again.');
                    echo '</div>';
    add_action('signup_header', 'sr_check_allowed');

    See it in action.

  15. fo0bar
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I needed to be able to allow users to sign up (for registered-only commenting), but did not want the public to be able to create new blogs. The plugin below does this, but it's not exactly elegant. If the user tries to register a new blog, he isn't informed this is not possible until the very last moment. Still, it works.

      Plugin Name: New Blog Restrictions
      Plugin Author: Ryan Finnie
      Author URI:
      Description: Restricts new blog creations on WordPress MU.
    function nb_restrict_check() {
      switch ($_POST['stage']) {
        case 'validate-blog-signup':
          echo '<div id="content" class="widecolumn">';
          _e('Sorry, we are not accepting new blogs.  Your new username has not been created.  Please go back and select "Just a username, please." instead.  Thank you.');
          echo '</div>';
        case 'gimmeanotherblog':
          echo '<div id="content" class="widecolumn">';
          _e('Sorry, we are not accepting new blogs.');
          echo '</div>';
    add_action('signup_header', 'nb_restrict_check');
  16. jessep
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks foobar, that's exactly what I was looking for. Any ideas about how to clean up the UI so people don't see an option that's not available to them?

  17. justinleatherbury
    Posted 17 years ago #

    That's really close to what we need Foobar. I haven't done a massive search yet, but we will be looking for a plugin that only allows signups for blogs from our domain, but will allow signups for comment accounts from all the others. Regardless, thank you!

  18. richschmidt
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I can't believe this isn't an option in the admin backend. You have to edit files just to keep random people from creating blogs on your setup??

  19. drmiketemp
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Why not open up a trac ticket instead of just complaining?

    The point of the software is to allow folks to open up their own blogs. That's probably why it's not a current option.

    And most of us have edited the software and made many changes. It's one of the plusses of Open Source software.

  20. tspencer
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks foobar...plugin works perfectly,

  21. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 17 years ago #

    It's now an option in the backend, no need for hacking or plugins!

  22. jazbek
    Posted 17 years ago #

    where is that option in the backend?

  23. jazbek
    Posted 17 years ago #

    i take it that might only be an option in the new wpmu 1.3.. and i think i have a slight improvement over foobar's plugin above for everyone else who isn't upgrading:

      Plugin Name: Disable Blog Signups
      Plugin Author: Jessica Yazbek
      Author URI:
      Description: Removes option to create new blogs from WPMU's wp-signup.php
    function disable_blog_signups ( $active_signup ) {
    	$active_signup = 'user';
    	return $active_signup;
    add_filter ('wpmu_active_signup','disable_blog_signups');
  24. peripatetic
    Posted 17 years ago #

    My alternative approach was to put the following lines in my .htaccess file
    # Limit access to the signup page
    AuthName "Restricted Blog Signup"
    AuthType Basic
    AuthUserFile /path/to/files/blog/.htpasswd
    AuthGroupFile /dev/null
    <Files wp-signup.php>
    require valid-user
    and then created a .htpasswd file with a single login. This way, people who know the password can create blogs, but others cannot.
    N.B. you can make the .htpasswd file on numerous htpasswd generator sites around the internet.

  25. ghostrobot
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I've tried both the plugin codes here. When i put the plugins in the wp-content/mu-plugins directory they don't show up in my admin plugins panel.

    When i put the plugins in the wp-content/plugins directory they show up in the admin plugins but trying to activate gives a fatal error.

    Any ideas?

  26. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    In the most recent code base, there's an option to turn off signups. No plugins needed.

    Site Admin -> OPtions.

  27. nicjohnson
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I've seen the option of disabling new signups. Thanks.

    However, I want MU to send a 404 back (that I can handle with the 404.php file in my theme) instead of redirecting to the wp-signup.php page. Is this possible?


About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by yongra
  • Latest reply from nicjohnson