Posted 18 years ago #
I have a large community site that includes hundreds of profiles for individulas across the world.
What I want to do is offer my users a blog system that then can manage themselves and have it hosted on my website. i.e myblog@ourdomain.com
I would also like to List the latest blogs and most popular bogs etc on my home page. Does mu wordpress allow me to do this???
Thanks for your help,
Posted 18 years ago #
Please don't bump. :)
To answer your questions, yes. Although by "most popular" do you mean most posts or most visits? Because the visits one you'll have to figure out for yourself.
yes, don't try to bump on a hourly basis...
also, the only request you have is to have wordpressMU on your site, so why not simply take a look at it... if you take a look at http://wordpress.com , our official free blog host that use this same software to run, it will show you the exact way the system works...