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whats new since 03-15? (5 posts)

  1. sallam
    Posted 19 years ago #


    I was away for a week, and, wow.. it looks that many things happened lately!
    Now there are nightly builds, everyday!.. great!
    But, is there any page listing change log, or something to tell us what improvements has beed done so far, or planned ahead?

    In particular, I'm really intersted to know:
    * does the new build show pages now, out of the box?
    * is there now a built-in tool to generate newblogs, instead of using another script like newblog.php?
    * does the main admin now have any control on newblogs, for example, what plugins to allow and whats not, upload zise limit, and whether to allow newblog admins to edit files and templates or not?

    If not yet, fine. But are these features planned to be added later on?

    Many thanks!

  2. andrewbillits
    Posted 19 years ago #

    pages should be fixed now.
    newblog.php still exists for the time being.
    Admin panel is being worked on right now.

  3. andrewbillits
    Posted 19 years ago #

    sorry for the short post. it's 3:06AM here. if someone has some time could they please write a brief catch up post for everyone who might have missed the events of the last few days.


  4. NetAndif
    Posted 19 years ago #

    A short overview (as far as i did realize all well)

    - there was a little challenge about the domain, which now has been kindly donated to the owner of
    - new forum and new svn site, all in the same manner as on
    - i've fixed some bugs from the latest wpmu snapshot, and working on some additions
    - i have modified wp-newblog.php, but it now does'nt act like the old one, since it will be called from inside the admin menu from another script
    - my blog management functions will be included inside the user management of the main blog
    - the pages function works partly
    see this post of me:

    Be prepared for some new wpmu code :-)

  5. NetAndif
    Posted 19 years ago #

    It's more work than i've expected. And it seems to get more and more.
    There are some new things available which i must think about for a while.
    Maybe i have to cool down a little the next few days.

    In the meantime: thanks for all the support i get from
    But i will be still watching the forum, of course.

About this Topic

  • Started 2026 years ago by sallam
  • Latest reply from NetAndif