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Does not create folders or install files for new blogs (4 posts)

  1. tesla
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I just got this going on my local Windows install using Wampserver. But when a new blog is created the folder and the files need to run a blog are missing. If I manually create the folder and copy the WP file to it then everything works fine.

    Isn't this supposed to happen auto-matically? MU is not much good if I have to sit and create all the files for each new blogger.


  2. helmi
    Posted 18 years ago #

    hi tesla,

    i think you misunderstood something. MU is not creating copies of WP for each blog. WPMU runs with one filebase but creates database-tables for each single blog.

    you need to have mod_rewrite running and wildcard dns or use subdirectories to make MU work.

  3. nexia
    Posted 18 years ago #

    .. this is a funny situation here... like helmi said, it's an automatic process inside the system, not inside the files server... WPMU is not duplicating WP for multiple users, it's a virtual hoster...

    i suppose you have experienced other blog servers that were duplicating the files, but here is no use.. even if you duplicate the content of the files, you do it for no reason, the system will not use these files to generate the display.

  4. tesla
    Posted 18 years ago #


    That part was a bit unclear in the install instructions. The mod_rewrite seems to run like the CAKEPHP dispatcher, which I do understand.

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