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how can i set the new blog user role is editor not a administrator (2 posts)

  1. lochen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    how can i set the new blog user role is editor not a administrator ?
    and set the editor have persentation permission to choose theme,i dont want to the new blog user can choose the plugin.

    i know have a plugin "rolemanager", it can change the permission of the role , but it need to change the role permission manually by site-admin on the new blog.

    where can i set the editor role permission to be a default setting?

    thank you

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    For that you'd have to hack the code. Why not just turn off plugins?
    Go to Site Admin -> Options and scroll to the bottom of the page. uncheck the box and users won't be able to see the plugins menu.

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