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guid & post_name are different. (5 posts)

  1. skcsknathan001
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ok.. here goes
    Posted a new post
    edited it and added few words in front of what is already there at the "Post_Slug" section.
    able to click the title and goes to the post. no errors.

    But when I looked at the DB, the value in GUID contains post slug of the un-edited post slug, and the POST_NAME contains the new post slug values.

    Is this how it suppose to be?

    I was trying to link the title to the GUID, but figured GUID is not always correct!

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I think that's how it works.

  3. skcsknathan001
    Posted 18 years ago #

    so how do I get the PERMLINk to a post?

    I'm trying to modify Andrew Billits's code to display Recent Posts of WPMU. I want to link the title to the actual post, instead of the blog.
    I saw your code, but your code also uses the GUID.
    I tried get_permlink(ID); where ID is the post id, but that actually links to

    all the post's link are same, even though the post ID is different.

    I'm trying to make it a widget where users can input the limit, word_limit, show/hide stuffs...

    Any help?

  4. Toucouleur
    Posted 17 years ago #

    skcknathan same problem here.

    in fact the get_permalink work on the main blog, not on the sub blog.

    I try to find if someone already code something to mass update some bad GUID

  5. skcsknathan001
    Posted 17 years ago #

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by skcsknathan001
  • Latest reply from skcsknathan001