Is there anyway for users to write their own custom CSS? No, I'm not talking about limited customization (changing the color, fonts and stuffs), but a REAL change (changing the position, etc -- basically they can upload or save their custom-made CSS).
Is there?
there was a plugin somewhere, which allowed users to write their own css and it would get loaded in addition to the "original" css file but I could not get it running with wpmu and deleted it.... maybe I'll find it again...I'm looking...
here is the one I tested (as far as I remember):
I also remember it did not work out of the box with wpmu, but go ahead and test it.
here is another one:
PLEASE report back with problems or success, maybe someone can help, I'd like this functionality too, but I did not have the time to test and try and fix this plugin...
good luck
Thanks Ovidiu, will try it as soon as I finish my final paper ;)
Oh BTW, both of the site that you recommend is for stand-alone WP installation isn't it?
right, thats why I said, test them maybe one of them works for wpmu. as soon as I have time to test them too, I'll post her with the results, maybe they need to be modified, maybe not :-)
I tried mycss. the problem is that this css file is common for all tyhe user, so if one users modifies the css, then all other weblogs will be affected,too. I don't know how it is possible to assign seperate css files to every person.
no, it looks to me like i.e. the admin of a blog, can create a .css file which modifies the output/design of his blog, if someone else uses the same theme, they can either use it as it is or make their own stylesheet, they won't be affected by other users stylesheets...
Ovidiu that is actually incorrect.
The MyCSS plugin loads CSS across ALL the blogs on an MU install.
It is useful for certain features however, such as having a Sign-up Badge widget styled the way you like across all blogs.
I recently modified the MyCSS plugin so that the Options page would only display for site admins:
thx for setting that straight. I'll have a look at your wpmu-plugins-hack to see what you came up with :-)