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Plugins / Site-Admin Options to die for (32 posts)

  1. Farms2
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Here are some killer plugins / site-admin options that I'd love to have, does anyone feel the same way?

    What plugins / options would you like to see?

    Anyone fancy chipping in to support development of these as plugins? I'm up for it.

    1. Registered comments only - I've been struggling with editing each theme to only allow comments by regsitered users and *think* I'm there (although trackback / comment spam is another thing)... wouldn't it be great if there was a plugin that simply turned off comments for all non registered users!

    2. Private site plugin - Something you could simply turn on aty an admin level to make teh entire site live behind a password protected wall (with only the one login required).

    3. Badge each blog - I figure this might require some theme editing but what the heck... a plugin that allowed you to simply badge each blog as being part of your blog network (think 'I power blogger') would rock the house.

    4. Admin only create new blogs / import new blogs - So we can limit new blog creation to a prarticular domain but it'd be cool if it could be set so only admin could create new blogs and could import from a csv a simple list of names & emails to batch create blogs.

    Anyway, those are mine for the moment... any takers ;)

    And what are yours?

  2. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #

    1. I want to know how to limit comments more easily, too. Four levels of comment privs: wide open, "white listed" domains, any user in community, only users allowed by an admin of a blog.

    2. Drop this into mu-plugins rather than plugins. Locks are on, everywhere. But I keep it in /plugins/ and use the site-admin pluggman to globally activate/deactivate it instead. Some users use it, some don't. Wall's up.

    3. Put your badge in a site-wide wpmu-footer plugin, no theme editing, unless a theme is without a wp-footer:
    function wpmu_footer($blah)
    { echo ' BADGE ';
    return $blah; } add_action('wp_footer', 'wpmu_footer');
    Site-wide badge done.

    4. Add something like the following to the top of your your wp-signup.php:if( is_site_admin() == false ) { die( __('You do not have permission to access this page.') ); } Or make the message anything you want, like a contact form. Only admin makes blogs.

  3. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #

    While we are dreaming . . . I'd like a Site Admin-->MU_Plugins to behave as the usual plugin menu works. I need a nice page to see the info for each plugin/widget. It's rather a pain to use ftp to see what's in my mu-plugins all the time. Core plugs could be "gray" so no snafu-ing the site. Maybe an active/inactive table for all the widgets.

  4. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #

    How about active themes and widgets on the same page?

    create a wpmu-active.php and add its link to menu.php:
    $title = __('WPMU Admin');
    $parent_file = 'wpmu-admin.php';
    if( is_site_admin() == false ) {
    die( __('You do not have permission to access this page.') );
    print '<div class="wrap"><table width="100%"><tr style="background-color: #444444; color:#ffffff;"><td>Theme</td><td>Blog</td><td>Widgets</td></tr>';
    $blogs = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs
    ORDER BY path ASC");
    if ($blogs) {
    foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
    $blogOptionsTable = "wp_".$blog."_options";
    $opt = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT option_value FROM
    $blogOptionsTable WHERE
    option_name IN ('siteurl','template','sidebars_widgets') ORDER BY option_name DESC");
    echo '<tr class="alternate"><td>'
    . stripslashes($opt[0]->option_value).'</td><td>'
    . stripslashes($opt[1]->option_value).'</td><td>'
    . stripslashes($opt[2]->option_value).'</td></tr>';
    print '</table></div>';

  5. Farms2
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Wow, those rock, thanks... I second your additional dreams!

  6. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    One I thought of recently was a spot in the backend to see what users are online. :)
    There's a few user online plugins, but I'm going to tweak it a bit so only I see it.

  7. Farms2
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Massive tick for authenticator plus plugin manager - private site option agogo, couldn't work better... come to Melbourne and I'll byuy you several beers!

    3 & 4 also great fixes... what I want to do is to integrate these into the admin options though so that site admin can upload the badge and select whether only admin should be allowed to create blogs.

    Any hints on how these might be integrated?

    Muchos gracias again!


  8. Farms2
    Posted 18 years ago #

    My workaround for registered only comments is going to have to be offering versions of themes that hacked that way - I'll package them up and post them on wpmudev when I'm done.

    For Admin only adding users there is also a fix - just limit registration to a domain like and then add the users manually from teh admin interface and assign them to be administrators of their own blogs (you can use whatevere domain you like).

    The only one I'm still really stuck on is how to give admin the option of specifying a particular image to badge each blog with - without any coding - after each theme has had the necessary .php code inserted in the sidebar.... any thoughts on that would be great.

    Cheers, James

  9. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    "I'd like a Site Admin-->MU_Plugins to behave as the usual plugin menu works. "

    Dude, yeah. Should be easy enough to code at some point. :)

    At least I got the theme editor back somewhat.

  10. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Image badge in sidebar mu-plugin coming right up. This will put it into the meta section.
    function wpmu_zillion_badge($blah)

    echo '
    <img src="" alt="You win a zillion bucks" />
    return $blah;
    add_action('wp_meta', 'wpmu_zillion_badge');

  11. Farms2
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Holy crap you're a legend dsader... I can't wait!

  12. twcaaron
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I'd like to see the option for each blog to have it's own domain name (ie instead of

    I noticed that this feature is available on the main hosted wordpress:

    Also, I'd like to see the ability to make a 'local' copy of a theme for each blog user so that the user's theme can be modified without having to edit everyone else's site that is using the same theme.



  13. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #


    Try User Themes from Users copy a theme to their blogs.dir folder and can tinker away.

    Enabling the theme editor can be more trouble than it's worth. Enable only for accounts/users that know what they are doing-and are trust worthy. At best users create tonnes of php errors and the like. At worst they can kybosh the whole database.

    A safe(er) alternative is Jason's Custimcizer. Style sheet edits go into the db of each user. K2 based themes have many mods for user customization, too.

    Keep a watchful and guarded eye on who uses theme-editor. The UserTheme backend is easy to manage.

  14. twcaaron
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thanks dsader, I'll check it out!


  15. twcaaron
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I've installed the User Themes plugin as mentioned by dsader. Everything seemed to be working well until I tried to copy a theme to a user's 'My Themes' section. I got this error:

    Warning: mkdir() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in /home/el***/public_html/wp-content/mu-plugins/1573835887_userthemes.php on line 78

    My server runs php4 and php5 simultaneously. Ideas?

  16. Ovidiu
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I have the exact same problem, there is another post on this too: I see you posted there too.

    any fix to this?

  17. Farms2
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hey dsader, any plugin joy? I'm embarrassingly excited :)

  18. dsader
    Posted 18 years ago #


    Compare my line 78 mkdir($dest . $suffix, 0755, true);

    to the original line 78 mkdir($dest . $suffix, 0777, true);

    I have no 0777 in mine, all are 0755.

  19. Ovidiu
    Posted 18 years ago #

    any chance to get this working on php version 4 ?
    I am referring to this:

    PHP versions < 5.0.0 do not support recursive
    directory creation via mkdir()

  20. PerS
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ovidiu, you could try using this function:

  21. tsalagi_red
    Posted 18 years ago #

    How about a simple function to add a site license agreement that would have to be agreed to before users could create a new blog?

  22. twcaaron
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thanks for the fix dsader! I'll try it out and see what happens.

  23. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    As far as the "Badge This Blog" request, I've got a widget working on my install that allows a user to place a hyperlinked image to the wpmu signup page. My image says "I am empowered" with the logo for my site in the middle, but you could of course change the image to whatever you wanted.

    More information is available on my blog:

  24. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thank you suleiman. :)

  25. liamr
    Posted 18 years ago #

    How about something that admin and comments to happen over SSL?

  26. awarner20
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to take a moment to thank the posters here, especially dsader.

    I was searching on how to include an image link back to my main site on all my users' blogs, either in the sidebar or the footer, and the code above was very helpful for someone who has never made a plugin.

    With a mix between the basics on how to make a plugin found here
    ...and the code above, I successfully created a "Sitewide Sidebar Badge" and "Sitewide Footer Badge" plugins.

    Thanks! I'm off to widgetize them so my users can choose if they want them or not;)

  27. awarner20
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Ok, so I have decided to use this "Sitewide Footer Badge" plugin I made, and it's working great, but it also displays the badge in the footer of my main site.

    I know I have to use an if statement and check for the current blog id, like this...

    if (the blog id is the admin blog)
    then (write nothing)
    else (write the link to my badge image)

    I have tried many different ways of writing this, but I haven't quite gotten it yet. I wonder if someone would be able to help me out?

    The code is my plugin looks like this...

    function wpmu_footer($blah)
    { echo '<a href=""><img src=""</a>';
    return $blah;
    add_action('wp_footer', 'wpmu_footer');
  28. awarner20
    Posted 16 years ago #

    After some further searching, I found some code that does what I need it to do, displays the image badge on user blogs and not the admin blog.

    However, after adding this code, my image badge no longer appears in the footer, it appears at the top of my user blog pages...can someone please tell me what I'm missing?

    Here's the plugin code in full...

    if ( !defined("ABSPATH") ){
         die("I don't think so, Tim.");
    global $blog_id;
    if ( $blog_id == 1 ) {
    Plugin Name: Sitewide Footer Badge
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Sitewide Footer Badge Plugin. Displays badge in footer in all blogs on WPMU install.
    Author: me
    Version: 0.1
    Author URI:
    { echo '<a href=""><img src="" alt="My Alternate text" /></a>';
    return $blah;
    add_action('wp_footer', 'wpmu_footer');
  29. suleiman
    Posted 16 years ago #

    awarner, why not just use my plugin here:

    This would allow your users to choose whether or not they want to link back to your main site. I've experienced a tremendous following from my users using the badge. I'm sure your users would do the same.

  30. awarner20
    Posted 16 years ago #


    Thank you for the link to your plugin, I have downloaded it and will find it very useful, however, in the directions on your site you say ...

    "To install the plugin drop the empowered.php file into your widgets folder, and the MyCSS hack goes into your mu-plugins folder."

    I am using MU 1.5 RC1 which has no widgets folder. Should empowered.php just be dropped into the mu-plugins folder than?

    Secondly, this plugin seems great, but I am more interested in the footer, and I'm so close. Can anyone offer any thoughts on my above post as to why my badge is appearing at the top and not in the footer area?

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by Farms2
  • Latest reply from awarner20