I've just installed the latest snapshot of wpmu and am looking for bloggers. Come check it out and give your feedback. This is just what I have been looking for. Nothing else even comes close.
Share your blog with the wugga at: http://www.wugga.com
I've just installed the latest snapshot of wpmu and am looking for bloggers. Come check it out and give your feedback. This is just what I have been looking for. Nothing else even comes close.
Share your blog with the wugga at: http://www.wugga.com
uh, how did you get those stats? Was I sleeping or something when they were added?
I rewrote the /home/sidebar.php using some of the wpmu-functions. It took a while to find it though. I'm just starting to get familiar with the code and hope to be making some other changes in the future.
Trying to figure out the invites now.
Care to share?
I'm a bit pressed for time right now so can't dig in the code myself but that would make a nice feature for my site. :)
Sure. I just modified the sidebar.php file. you can grab the code snippet at
I'll be adding more stats, latest, updated, etc. in the next day or so and will pass them along as I get them working.
Hey Wugga... if you can chuck me some code for showing latest updated I'll be yer friend forever :oD
I'd love to check your code out, wugga, but the link is broken :-(
The server is experiencing technical difficulties. I think the fans are clogged from me pulling my hair out. Here's the code snippet. The forums clobber the formating so watch for spacing and stuff if you cut and paste.
The site and links will be back soon.
// added to the wp-inst/wp-content/themes/home/side.php
// also used in other theme sidebar.php files OK
$most_active = get_most_active_blogs( 10, false );
if( is_array( $most_active ) ) {
print "Most Active";
print "<tr><th scope='col'>Address</th><th scope='col'>Posts</th></tr>";
while( list( $key, $details ) = each( $most_active ) ) {
$class = ('alternate' == $class) ? '' : 'alternate';
$url = "http://" . $details[ 'domain' ] . $details[ 'path' ];
print "<tr class='$class'><td>$url</td><td>"
. $details['postcount'] . "</td></tr>";
print "</table>";
Thanks for the code snippet! Just added a version of it at http://911blogs.com
I've added some new features including enhanced user profiles. Check it out at Kevin's Blog and let me know what you think. I'll be adding more later, but this is a start.
If you dont mind, what is the code you used for your "recent activity" on your homepage? It looks similar to the feed display in the Admin page.
I'm using the get_last_updated()
function and posting it as <li>
's along with some css borrowed from the dashboard page as you noticed.
hm, your website looks good, many customizations. I allso have started a similar blog, so yeah, this is a spam post :D. i've written for mine 2 sidebar widgets, Recent Blogs and Most Active Blogs. You can create an account and check them out, or just look at the main page. PM me here or the NodBolg.com administrators if you want instructions on how to implement them.