Hey guys,
I am considering using Mu for part of a corporate intranet, to let employees inform each other of what's going on in their sphere of the business.
Does Mu include indexes or "What's New" pages for getting a birds-eye view across all of the blogs in a Mu installation? If not, how easy would it be to pull that kind of information into a landing page? I'm just trying to get a vision of what this would look like if we moved forward.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
It's relatively easy. There's a couple of plugins over at wpmudev.org that will allow you to pull a list of most recent posts and most recently updated blogs.
If that's not enough, it is also pretty easy to pull data from the database. Well, if you know a bit of PHP that is :)
Oh, great! Thanks for the info!
Mu doesn't happen to provide a master RSS feed across all of the blogs on the Mu installation, does it? That would be pretty sweet too.
Thanks for your help!
Nope on the feed, but naturally, there is a plugin. :)
Then you can hack the Dashboard to show the feed instead of the Wordpress planet one.