Hey there,
I use a SMTP plugin for mail on my main blog, and I want to also activate the plugin on all other blogs as well so they can receive email generated by their blog etc... However, I don't want them to be able to change any settings, or even view what the settings are. I use wPHPMailer (I think that's what it's called). Is there any general way to do this, or another plugin, or something I can do? Thanks!
what do you mean: email generated by their blog? what kind of email? that might help answering your question
Stick it in the mu-plugins folder (so everyone has it active) and hack the plugin so it only shows for you, the site admin.
you can use something like this I guess:
if( is_site_admin() )
to show the admin interface only to an admin, maybe yo ucan change it so it shows only to your login...
Ok, thanks for your help, and Ovidiu, I meant that email like when a user comments and it's on comment moderation, if it's enabled, an email will be sent, that's what I mean.
well, depends :-)
why do you use this plugin? what exactly does it do? you could for example use SK2 version for mu plugin which sends emails to suers when they have comments in moderation (I guess) I use normal wp version of this plugin. You do not have to configure anything for it to be able to send email...
"when a user comments and it's on comment moderation, if it's enabled, an email will be sent, "
Um, there's a ticky box in the backend that does this already.