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Anarchy & Viper Video (38 posts)

  1. cnpapers
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I've tried both these plug-ins for MU and I can't seem to get them to work.

    Viper doesn't show any of the tinyMCE tags, and I had to copy the image files to the mu-plugin folder for the buttons to show up, but the pop-ups won't work.

    It makes me wonder if there's an issue with my version of MU or something? What folder are plugins supposed to go? mu-plugins or plugins? It won't recognize them in the mu-plugins folder to activate them.

    I really need to get these videos to load.

    I've modified the kses.php file to allow the tags. But I noticed that if you goto edit the post, it pulls the embed and param tags out of the object.

    It's crazy.


  2. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    "It won't recognize them in the mu-plugins folder to activate them."

    Well, the Anarchy one has an MU version, and that one does go in the mu-plugins folder, making it automatically active for everyone. It's supposed to show new buttons in the Write post area.

  3. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Yeh, it's sposed to... anarchy is definitely a mu-plugin and it's working drag and drop no problems across 4 different mu installs for me (including a subdirectories) on three different servers including a MacOSX Server. There were a few problems initially getting the addressing right and perhaps your different server setups are returning different paths somewhere.

    The problem though is buttonsnap which I use for the button loading is now a dead end as the author has decided not to update it for wp 2.1 so there's not much point in trying to make this hack work while Mu moves further away from WP 2.0. I'm working on some tinyMCE external plugins to replace it and will hopefully have a beta ready in a week or so.

    In the meantime if you view the wp editor page source you should have a couple of paths set at:

    var buttonsnap_request_uri =
    var buttonsnap_wproot =

    Check those are correct, dump your cache, force reload etc.

  4. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ok I got rid of buttonsnap and have replaced it with external tinyMCE plugins and if anyone's interested in trying the Anarchy Media Player Mu beta out it's here.

    The latest version also extends the rte with another row of tinyMCE buttons but it's off by default. If you haven't customized your own tinyMCE buttons and want the extended editor you can turn this on in config.php. You can also add your own by editing the * Optional WYSIWYG extension * section at top of anarchy_media_player.php

  5. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Malcolm, this upgrade is a SERIOUS piece of work!

    Not only does it make the entire process of adding videos to your site much easier (copy & paste URL) it has also somehow enabled embedded videos from youtube and google, etc., to appear on my Tags page, where before only [youtube]2342343240[/youtube] code appeared.

    Very cool :)

  6. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    P.S. Malcolm, any tips on how I could use these same techniques for changing the ImageManager plugin into a TinyMCE plugin and not a ButtonSnap-dependant one?

  7. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Cool site you got there Suleiman, and that tazer incident is just completely nuts. Be interesting to see what the uni does about it.

    Not sure why the tags page now shows the videos though ... maybe cos I got rid of the viper style [youtube] tags which were just placeholders for kmil flashembed tags anyways. The new version cuts the middleman out and goes straight to SWFObject embeds via the kmil tags.

    The rte buttons are really now just a front end for Kmil Flashembed which is actually quite flexible for embedding swf's as it can take a lot of variables via fvars and other tags and send them on to SWFObject.

  8. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    As to replacing buttonsnap yeh, here's a generic php call and a very simple external plugin that you can drop a javascript function call into. I wrote some basic notes into it and it's actually a fairly simple process once all the bits are brought together.

  9. xiand0
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I used to use Viper's for vidz and my life was uninteresting and I could hardly get a date.

    Now I've switched to Anarchy Media Player Mu and I have so many girls now I've hardly got time to satisfy them all!

    Seriously, the latest version of Anarchy Media Player Mu p0wns Vipers Video Quicktags.

  10. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    lol...that's one way of putting it xiando ;)

  11. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Anarchy Media Player - even your MOM can use it. :D

  12. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Cheers guys n mom's, or mum's as we say in aus.

    The new 1.6 version is now up on my site with a last minute change to the DailyMotion embed. Users can now just copy and paste the whole embed code for the 'embeddable player' instead of having to hunt around for the src or movie url.

    If you're updating an older version of the plugin make sure to delete buttonsnap.php. There are also several extra config options if you've already customised your copy of config.php.

  13. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    As Michael Jackson would say:

    "You rocked my world you know you did!"

  14. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    (looks up cost of shipping home baked cookies & fudge to Aus...)

  15. Trent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    After upgrading, the code for a YouTube video is all that shows in my post. Example:

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350"/]

    Any idea?

  16. Trent
    Posted 18 years ago # bad. Figured it out! Great plugin!


  17. mdvaldosta
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Seems to work great, I've got a slight problem though. Using the latest version (2.0 I think) the F and A buttons tool tip shows up as {$lang_anarchyswf_desc} etc.

  18. chris
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Having the same problem with hovering over the buttons and seeing {$lang_anarchyswf_desc} and {$lang_anarchvideo_desc}.

  19. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    That's an old problem from a few minor versions ago ... what version of anarchy player are you using? Or is this a new IE7 problem??

    Version 2.0 is showing the descriptions fine in WinIE6 for me...

  20. chris
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I never use IE, I'm using Firefox and Anarchy Media Player Mu 1.6.6

  21. agidi
    Posted 17 years ago #

    same hovering issue here, on Firefox

  22. Farms2
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Yep - me too - same issue in FF.

  23. kingler
    Posted 17 years ago #

    A side note:

    CoolPlayer is an alternative plugin for embedding videos/medias.

  24. Farms2
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I have a very emotional attachment to Anarchy :)

  25. zeug
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Awww you're too sentimental James, but it's a beautiful thang.

    But yeah, the tinymce code has changed yet again in the latest builds. I've got a workaround for the mouseover problem that ... works, although it might mess with international installs by defaulting all the toolbar to english. I'm testing it and will add it to the release version of 2.0 AMP hopefully in the coming week. I'll also check out cool player to see how they deal with it.

  26. kingler
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Great job, zeug. I love Anachy player, and will probably start translating Anarchy to Chinese pretty soon. :)

  27. zeug
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Awesome ... damn, that means I'll have to bump the language file stuff up the todo list. DOH!

    Anyway for a quick workaround to the button mouseover problem you lot can try adding:

    tinyMCE.settings['language'] = 'en';

    to the top of editor_plugin.js in anarchy_media/plugins/anarchyswf/ or anarchyvideo/

    You only need the one instance of it. There's a weird problem with the latest tmce installs no longer passing lang info to external plugin buttons, even though the code looks good.

    Tell me how it goes and if it messes with any international language settings.

  28. kspence
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Using Anarchy has been extremely helpful for me, with one exception. I can only use Safari to get at it. Whenever I use Firefox none of the Anarchy buttons appear. I'm running Firefox 2.0.2. Any help you could lend would be appreciated.

  29. zeug
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Well AMP is built on Firefox soooo ... what errors are you getting?

  30. enseignement
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Can you add support for Soapbox (youtube from Microsoft) ?

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