when i visite the url with no slash in the end, like: http://blog.iyi.cn/start
the page link will be showen like this:
but the correct url should be
there is a more "start" in the url
the mistake is caused by "wp-includes/link-template.php" line 367
$home_root = trailingslashit($home_root);
i removed this line, the problem solved.
is this a valid bug, concerning wpmu 1.0 ? has anyone else encountered this?
Is there a list of patches for Mu 1.0? I'm still on rc4 as I patched both the subdomain and subdirectory installs to a more or less stable version and when 1.0 final was released I did a test install of it and it seemed to have the same and maybe some different bugs.
Haven't had the time to go back and fix it but I'll be updating to 1.0 as soon as I get a spare few seconds. Maybe if there's nothing already we could pool all our bug fixes and put them up on WPMuDev as an aid to new installs of the release version.
Trac is here:
This is not a bug, you must have put an extra /start/ in your setup somewhere.
Trac's fine, and the blog.iyi.cn url is loading fine for me so I guess the problem is fixed.
I'm just interested in how buggy the official 1.0 release from 10/10 is, especially seeing as it's the one the majority of new users are probably downloading and installing.
davidiyi, you are not alone.
Same thing happens to mine. My install is dated November 2.
Load without the last slash
then click "previous page" yields
http://www.domain.com/blog/blog/page/2/ and a 404.
Problem is site wide. But needs a theme with the archive links.
No other accidental mods have been made.
Changing permalinks options does nothing.
I didn't notice on my own blog since I use rolling archives with k2.
I'll try a fresh sandbox install with nothing added on.
Brand new install(stable), same ../blog/blog/page/2 bug.
andrea_r, I agree with davidiyi, it appears to be a bug and his fix works for me too.
Anyone else?
i have give out the fix
the mistake is caused by "wp-includes/link-template.php" line 367
$home_root = trailingslashit($home_root);
remove this line
Ahhhh ... yep. Just happened to me too! index.php and the first posts_nav_link returned the double subdirectory page as in href="http://mydomain.com/blog/blog/page/2/" with a 404 not found.
Commented out the trailingslashit line and it back to normal. This only just happened though which makes me think it's a db entry somewhere after I deleted a blank post and some old categories.
I'm on a 1.0rc4 subdirectory install.
Posted 18 years ago #
without slash in the end?
can i use this for forcing trailing slash for dirs?
i refer here.
add following code in htaccess
# force a trailing slash for dirs
RewriteRule !\..{2,4}$ - [C]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*/$
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ /$1/ [R=301,L]
We just upgraded to WP Mu 1.1.1 and the new file still has that problem.
However, do not use your patched file from the old install, as link-template.php was modified and the culprit line of code is elsewhere.
It's now at line 427.
Commenting it out will fix the problem.
Posted 17 years ago #
Funny, I don't have that issue with 1.1.1.
That's cuz you're special, Luna. ;)
Why am I thinking the poster is doing their WPMu install as an addon domain? I remember having the same issue when I tried that many eons ago and, when teh trailing slash wasn't there, it tried to load the main domain.
Posted 17 years ago #
Aww... I'm special. :D
That could be the issue though.
Although I'm still trying to figure out why you would have a start link without passing a page number to it.
All it's going to do is produce a 404, since there's nothing it can do with it.
The link-template fix above worked for me, again, on a new install. Would an if . . . else wrap around the line be a more permanent solution?
I found this thread after posting about this bug myself - removing the line isn't the proper fix - it should be altered I think. Perhaps I'm wrong...