I have asked everyone I know that know PHP and they can;t figure it out...
please help me let me know if you got this same message?
"No WPMU site defined on this host."
to see it on the site goto : https://designdroide.com
I have asked everyone I know that know PHP and they can;t figure it out...
please help me let me know if you got this same message?
"No WPMU site defined on this host."
to see it on the site goto : https://designdroide.com
Please search the forum. It's been covered several times.
I dont know If I have done this right... I am trying to have it be my main page, not into a subdirectory or a subdomain but under me https. i researhed dsoem and it told me to edit these two file to be like this
// ** MySQL settings ** //
define('DB_NAME', 'XXXX'); // DB Nmae
define('DB_USER', 'XXXX'); // User Name
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'XXXXXX'); // Pass word
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value
define('VHOST', 'yes');
$base = '/';
// double check $base
if( $base == 'BASE' )
die( 'Problem in wp-config.php - $base is set to BASE when it should be the path like "/" or "/blogs/"! Please fix it!' );
// Change the prefix if you want to have multiple blogs in a single database.
$table_prefix = 'wp_'; // example: 'wp_' or 'b2' or 'mylogin_'
// Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the
// chosen language must be installed to wp-includes/languages.
// For example, install de.mo to wp-includes/languages and set WPLANG to 'de'
// to enable German language support.
define ('WPLANG', '');
define( "WP_USE_MULTIPLE_DB", true );
/* Stop editing */
define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/');
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
# Rewrite http://www.domain.com to domain.com
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)
RewriteRule ^(.*) http://%1/$1 [R,L]
#uploaded files
RewriteRule ^(.*)?/?files/(.*) wp-content/blogs.php?file=$2 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule . - [L]
RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-.*) $2 [L]
RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*\.php)$ $2 [L]
RewriteRule . index.php [L]
basically am I doing this properly or am I going completely the wrong direction with my amepts???
You're installing MU, right? Do *not* edit the config files. That's just for regular WP.
Delete the htaccess.
Delete the wp-config files.
Check the database to see that all tables are dropped. Keep the database.
Read the readme.txt.
Run the install.
Then come back and tell me what happened.
ok so in my config file do not pu t in my DataBase info. just delete it? if that is correct i have done so and now I am lacking ssome stuff... I dont know what.
The config file is generated when you run the install. That's why it needs to be empty.
Did you run the install?
it gives my some error message
what should my database be?
ok so I should have no htacces or Config
I am hfurther ahead in this et up i think at designdroide.com/blogs/ then at https://designdroide.com
I contacted my hosting provider and they helped me fix it ...
It had to do with the Chmod777