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BasicMU (Admin/mainblog theme) - beta (22 posts)

  1. KKWangen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    As mention in Andrea's post on the same topic ( I've been playing around with a very basic theme for the Admin/ newsblog for MU installations.

    Anyway I was wondering if any of you would like to test what I've come up with so far (that's why I call it a beta)?

    I've made the layout very simple in greys, red and blue.

    It's two coloumn - home and pages shows loginform and update blogs, while blogarchives and posts shows a 'normal' blogsidebar- this got widgetsupport.

    Demo -
    Download -

    I've not included any readme in this version as it's just for testing, so I'll write it all down in this post.

    My approach to the theme was that I wanted to make home.php easier to maintain.

    The home.php for this theme uses you blog's tagline as title and includes the text on your about page as default. The about page is excluded in the list_pages code you find in header.php

    If you like to use another page for this you have to edit home.php and header.php to reflect this.

    I've also created some other pagetemplates for the theme:

    news.php {recent news} - this template shows the full post of the ten recent news. You may use this if you don't want them on the home page, or just give the illusion of a blog.

    But it doesn't work like a normal blog, so I've created:
    archives.php {archive} which you can use the create an archive page with months and categories.

    contact.php {contact} - this is actually a modified template from the blix theme. You can use this if you like a email us page.

    searchpage.php {search} - This is for sitewide search - or web - I've used googlesearch for this purpose.

    Other strange(?) things:
    All the forms (except comments) are located in /forms/ folder. As there was terrible many forms in this theme I've created a seperate css file for forms - forms.css

    Well, I think that was it, for now.

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Very nicely done. So clean... :)

  3. kartik786
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Awesome work.

    Ne idea how you can code homepage like :D ?

  4. KKWangen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thank you :)

    Andrea: I stripped the layout as much as possible, as I thought people probably want to add their own logoes and colors, if they like to use it.

    kartik786: what has done is get rid of home.php and just added all info to their header.

  5. kartik786
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Dear, can you please tell me what is the problem in login form ?

    Here is what I have implemented

  6. KKWangen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    That was wierd, do you get the same issue with the default theme as well? I've tested it with three different MU innstallations without any trouble.

    Okay, the only thing I can thing of is that you wpmu-functions.php is not happy (which the get_current_site is located in), maybe you should try to upload it again and see if there's any luck?

  7. kprimdal
    Posted 18 years ago #

    A quick little question how to you use pages ? do you just by exampel create a new page named news and then i comes with what i the form ?

  8. KKWangen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    To use a page template file you go to write page and select the template you want to use under "Page Template".

  9. kartik786
    Posted 18 years ago #

    the default one doesnt have any problem.

    Ne solution you can think of ?

  10. KKWangen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I'm really not sure, as it works okay with all the different MU's (1.0) I have. - I know you would get that error if you had added it to a normal WP, but..

    Is there anyone else that have trouble?

  11. kartik786
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I have uploaded the "Basicmubeta" the folder itself in wp-content > themes ( Without making any changes in any files)

    Is there something that I need to do but i havent done ?

  12. KKWangen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    No, you should need do anything, just having a correct innstalled WPMU1.0

  13. KKWangen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    That should be shouldn't..

  14. kartik786
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Same problem on a different domain.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_current_site() in /home/mydesi/public_html/wp-content/themes/basicMUbeta/forms/loginform.php on line 23

  15. KKWangen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Now I even tried it on a fourth install I have, and I still get no errors. - And you still don't get any error messages using the default (kubrik) theme? The code I have in the footer is just a customized version of the footer comming with the Kubrick for MU.

  16. kartik786
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Yep.. it works perfectly fine on kubrik. Chck it and error site is

  17. KKWangen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You don't use the one that comes with MU1.0? Does the default Home work okay with your MUs too?

    There should be a line saying something like "my sitename is proudly running on WordPressMU. Create a new blog and join the fun" in the footer.php.

    - I'm just trying to figure out if it's the theme or your install that bugs.

  18. Fryer
    Posted 18 years ago #

    That is a nice clean basic template. Good job!

    What do you guys think of the site im working on. I designed this christmas template.

  19. KKWangen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thank you, Fryer.

    - You should probably start a new thread for your christmas theme so people find it.

  20. erinther
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi there,
    I want to add a small image of current theme for each blog in updated weblogs and most actice blogs. How Can I get a link to the screenshot of each blog?

  21. KKWangen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    erinter: I believe there's a list all themes plugin on - it might what your looking for.

    Now - back to topic.

    The BasicMU demo/ changelog has moved here: - the home/about page include the new download url as well.

    kartik786: Have you had any luck with the theme?

  22. KKWangen
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I finally found some time to play with this theme, so now it's here v. 1.0. I've added it to

    I've included a terrible long readme to the zip folder. And it's a bit more info on the about page:

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by KKWangen
  • Latest reply from KKWangen