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How to make a install like this... (5 posts)

  1. anahowa
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I want to configure it to work in subdomain.

    http://mydomain.ext/ -> english Blogs Main Site
    http://nl.mydomain.ext/ -> duch Blogs Main Site
    http://de.mydomain.ext/ -> german Blogs Main Site
    http://blog_username.mydomain.ext -> blog address


    http://mydomain.ext/ main site
    http://en.mydomain.ext/ -> english Blogs Main Site
    http://nl.mydomain.ext/ -> duch Blogs Main Site
    http://de.mydomain.ext/ -> german Blogs Main Site
    http://blog_username.mydomain.ext -> blog address

    is it posible to install wordpress mu 2 or 3 times
    on sub-domain like this:

    http://en.mydomain.ext/ -> english Blogs Main Site
    http://nl.mydomain.ext/ -> duch Blogs Main Site
    http://blog_username.mydomain.ext -> blog address

  2. anahowa
    Posted 18 years ago #

    anyone ?

  3. wpvince
    Posted 18 years ago #

    IMHO you need to be more clear if you want all users to be:
    or if each country specific subdomain will also have users

    The first option should be easy, but don't think the secound option will even be possible.

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I think what you're ultimately going for would be next to impossible. Would be much easier to have the main domain, then send users off onto a completely seperate domain (rather than a sub) based on laguage.

  5. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You can have a normal wp or other site on the main domain then run separate mu's on each language subdomain with user blogs on each user.lang.mydomain.ext, then just formalise a single site theme across them all to tie them into one site, from the end user perspective anyways.

    Would be interesting to develop interaction between the different lang mu's, maybe via a central bunch of tag clouds each in a different language, and a combined blog list, on the main domain site.

    You could call it your metaMu community site. Then once that's all installed and you're insane enough you could maybe start developing a metaMu engine to unify the databases, one ring to control them all.

    Good luck on your journey :)

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