Can anyone give me some hints on the sort of things that are needed to get LiveSearch working in Wordpress MU? I see they did it on but I'm yet to get used to the quirks of MU so haven't worked it out myself yet, I think if I had some hints on this one I should be able to work out how to get other plugins working as well.
Posted 19 years ago #
LiveSearch in WP MU,
First download the package available via Fernando Graphicos:
Follow the instructions ( put livesearch.php in your wp-inst folder )
Next you need add a line to the .htaccess folder in your wordpress directory to:
RewriteRule ^livesearch.php /wp-inst/livesearch.php [L]
And that should do it. Good Luck!
Posted 19 years ago #
Correction the rewrite rule should go as follows:
RewriteRule ^livesearch.php$ /wp-inst/livesearch.php [L]
Worked fine on the front page, but when you viewed categories it wouldn't work. But this fixes that.
Posted 19 years ago #
Final correction:
Unfortunately Fernando's script has a "static" embeded address for the URI to search, so in your livesearch.js file, if you use "" it will only work via "". I think it just needs to a relative URI variable set, then you'd truly be golden.
Give it a go a
I recently installed the K2 theme ( and the livesearch feature appears to be working on my MU install (
One tip if you go this route: After you enable livesearch, clear your browser's cache before reloading your test pages.
i cant seem to get search working on the k2 theme, it wont work for both livesearch or regular search, if i activate liveseach the ajax dont work, with the regular search it search in the main blog (i have mu installed in directories not subdomains)
cant find a solution, can someone help?
try this:
it claims to add live search to the default search form...